Pantograph Designs

Click on each of the links below to view the designs available. They are separated into 3 groupings based on denisty and complexity. More dense designs require more time and thread to stitch.

Many times a more dense design is what your quilt truly needs to shine and doesn't cost that much more when you consider that it's only an additional 1/4¢ per square inch.  

Basic meandering is the least expensive stitch design at 1.75¢ per square inch. It is freehand quilted and looks like the edges  of puzzle pieces






I have tracings on clear plastic of all the stitch designs. I can place any of the tracings on your quilt to give you an idea of what any design would look like once stitched. This helps you find just the right design for your quilt.

2.0¢ per square inch pantographs


2.25¢ per square inch pantographs


2.50¢ per square inch pantographs