Colleen's Sailing Quilt

Sometimes you make a quilt for someone because you come across a new pattern and/or fabric line that you know instantly is perfect for someone in your life. That's exactly what happened when I first saw The Regetta by Patchwork Studios.
You see, my son's best friend Jon's parents, Linda and Tom, have a sailboat on a local lake where they spend practically the entire summer and they graciously invite my son to join them for multiple days at a time over many weekends each year. They are even teaching him how to sail. It goes without saying, that when I saw the pattern, I had to make it for them as a small thank you for their continuing generosity year after year.
It started with these pretty fabrics, Sail Away by Northcott, and the sailboat panel.
This was another project that was quick and easy to piece together and within a very short time it was done and loaded on the frame.
One of the things that has been very satisfying over the last year and a half has been the fact that I've been able to get a bunch of UFOs finished or previously un-started projects actually made and off my To Make list. One of the items crossed off the UFO list was the pair table runners I pieced using a charm pack of Always and Forever by Deb Strain for Moda.
The last time I showed these here on the blog was February 2014, so a whopping 8 years ago.
They were both simple piecing but I still like the way they turned out. First up s the runner for our larger table which is in the dining room. It's 14" x 56".