November 20, 2020

Ethan's I Spy Quilt

My neighbor's two year old son Ethan was recently diagnosed with a serious but treatable kidney cancer and he's currently going through chemo treatments.  I wanted to make him a quilt to cuddle with while he's at the hospital so I whipped up a cute I Spy quilt.   
I delved into my cut brick scraps and used everything I could find that wasn't Pink and girly.  In my hurry to get it completed, I forgot to snap a "before" picture before I started quilting it but I did remember to take a pic when I finished piecing the top.
As has happened before, my initial stitching design idea didn't look as I thought it would so after some trial and error to find something better, I settled on the Sprung panto and used Glide thread in Tar Heel (a favorite shade of blue).
I know that he will enjoy searching for all the fun animals, patterns and other motifs included in the blocks while waiting for each treatment to be finished.
When the binding was done, I quickly snapped these photos, folded it into a bag and walked across the street to deliver it.  His mom was shocked, to say the least, but as I told her, that's what quilters do....we make something cozy to snuggle under that bring people comfort.
The only thing I didn't already have in my stash for this quilt was an appropriate backing fabric so after a little hunting online, I was able to find this really cute construction truck print.  I was thrilled when Ethan's mom told me he's obsessed with trucks. 
A nice Navy binding completed the look.   Jammer, who's now taller than me, got the honors of holding it up for me for this picture.
Little Ethan's treatment is going well and is expected to make a full recovery but in the meantime, I'm happy that I was able to provide him a little bit of snuggly goodness along the way.



Needled Mom said...

That turned out so cute and I know he will enjoy it through treatment and for many years afterwards. The backing is perfect for a two year old.

KatieQ said...

The quilt is really fun, but the sentiment behind it is beautiful. I'm sure Ethan will enjoy looking at all of the fun prints in the quilt and treasure it forever.

Patti said...

What a wonderful thing to do!!!

The Joyful Quilter said...

SEW very sweet of you to make Ethan a snuggle quilt for his hospital visits and I love how you just happened upon his favorite thing for the backing!!

sue s said...

What a perfect choice for a boy who needs distraction. I haven't commented here before but I love I Spy quilts (I've made 3) and this is just such a good time for one for him!

Bonnie said...

Super quilt. I haven't seen this bricks layout used as an eye spy quilt before. I like the idea of it. Makes me want to look at the swiss cheese that are my well used novelty fabrics. I might be able to do something like this too. Thanks for the idea.

FlourishingPalms said...

What a good neighbor you are! And aren't you glad to have a stash and longarm to be able to whip up something so quickly?! Quilters like you are to be admired for your generous heart. Great work!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

It turned out so great. It will definitely bring comfort to the little one - sending healing thoughts

Michele said...

Hi Sue S. Thank you! I'm glad you're starting to comment. Unfortunately your comment came through as a No Reply Blogger so I can't reply to you directly.

Ashley Gray said...
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