After seeing my Masks Managed posts, a few friends asked if I could make mask baskets for them. These are the first 2, for my friend Sharon.

After seeing my Masks Managed posts, a few friends asked if I could make mask baskets for them. These are the first 2, for my friend Sharon.
Anyone that really knows me knows that I'm a bit of an organization nut. As my mom drilled into my head as I was growing up "a place for everything and everything in it's place."
I had been getting frustrated with the mask situation in this house.....which ones were clean and which ones weren't, who's are who's and the stacks of them on top of various tables and countertops all over the place. With school starting next week, I had to come up with a solution that would solve these issues.
I found a tutorial online for these cute fabric hanging baskets that are the perfect size and they're now on the wall in our mudroom, right next to the door everyone uses to head out in the morning.
Of course, I tried the pattern first with one for me to see how difficult it was (it wasn't at all) and to see what the finished size was. It turned out to be 8" tall, not counting the hanging loop, 6" wide and 3" deep. It's big enough to hold more than a dozen masks.
Sunshine was home at the time so I had her pick out fabrics for her bin next. I was surprised by her choices but it turned out cute and she's happy with it.
I'm thrilled how well this little project turned out and even more thrilled that now I don't have to deal with masks being left all around the house.
A while back, around March 2018, I pieced this quilt top using Blue and Green scraps leftover from a multitude of projects.
The pattern is Charm Pack Cherry from the Fat Quarter Shop and it's a free download.
While finishing quilting up the last of the guild charity quilts that I had in the house, I decided to get this finally done and add it to their donation pile. I had a bunch of blue fabric leftover from another quilt that worked perfectly for the backing.
The binding didn't take long to complete and now this pretty scrap quilt will wrap someone up cozy and warm this coming winter season.
I've gotten behind with blog post over the past few weeks for Moda's Summer in the Country Quilt Along so today I'm posting links to blocks 11 through 16. I'm also sharing what I made with the blocks that I designed for the quilt along.
The size worked out perfectly for our smaller kitchen table.
Here are the links to the rest of the blocks for the quilt along.
Block #11 is Ice Cream Churn designed by Lisa Jo Girodat.