October 10, 2017

The new Girl Scout fabrics

It goes without saying that when Riley Blake Designs announced that they were coming out with a new line of Girl Scout fabrics, the leaders and moms across the country all shouted from the roof tops and anxiously waited for it to be released.

A very enterprising person on one of the Girl Scout leader Facebook sites I'm a member of started taking orders for those that wanted some.  She ended up with a lot more order than she ever expected and once it arrived she set to work at cutting and shipping the orders.
Here is what I decided to purchase from her.
I stuck with the Green and Purple prints for the most part to go with the panel. There is also a Pink color way in many of the prints but to me Girl Scouts logos and images doesn't incorporate a lot of Pink so I chose to skip those.
I haven't a clue yet what I'm going to do with them but I'm sure I'll come up with a plan at some point. I certainly have enough here to make a good size quilt so I wouldn't be surprised if one becomes a reality eventually.
As for my opinion of the prints.....they are just ok.  The traditionalist in me would have preferred to see more variety of the various things Girl Scouts are about but I also understand the need to appeal to a wide audience.  I do wish the colors reflected more the various Girl Scout levels.  There certainly isn't a level that wears a Pink vest nor a Purple vest. 


Jeanna said...

That is exciting. It will be fun to see what you decide to do with the fabrics.