April 7, 2015

Time for me - MQX here I come

Guess where I will be by dinnertime today?

MQX here I come!
I am so looking forward to this bit of Me time and the opportunity to learn lots of new things. Plus I have some serious shopping planned.  I've been a really good girl and have not bought anything other than sewing machine needles in many months so now's the time to indulge.  Some of it is necessary but some of it will be just because I want to. :)

My class schedule time wise ended up being almost identical to last year and I'm looking forward to each and every one of them.  Here is my lineup:

E100 Secondary Quilting Designs - Judy Madsen
!142 Feather Variations for the Timid - Angela Huffman
E160 Custom Quilting - Judy Madsen
E210 Easy Border Designs the Write Way - Angela Huffman
E260 McTavishing - Karen McTavish
E316 The Joys of Free Motion Quilting - Judy Madsen
E338 Easy Textures and Background Fills - Paige Johnson
E352 Modern Quilting Meets Traditional - Judy Madsen
E414 Fabulously Detailed Feathers and Motifs - Judy Madsen

Yes I am going to be a Judy Madsen stalker dedicated student this year.  I so love her work and who knows if she'll be back to MQX or not in the future.  I didn't want to miss my chance to learn all that I can from her. I'm also looking forward to the classed with Angela Huffman.  I enjoy the quilting videos she posts on her blog and expect that I will come away with a bunch of new skills.

If you are at MQX and see me, please say Hi!  I really love meeting quilters face to face and making new friends.  If you are in any of the same classes with me, don't be shy.  

As far as seeing all the gorgeous quilts, I'm sure I will be speechless as I was last year.  How can one not with all the fabulous work that will be on display?  I promise to share pictures as much as possible.  You can follow me on Facebook and I'm on Instagram too @crayonboxquiltstudio.  I haven't been posting much lately due to Girl Scout cookie season but that is almost over and I'll be back to sewing up a storm by Sunday.  I have a bunch of projects to get finished in the coming couple of months.

I expect that I'll come home filled to the brim with inspiration and wanting to try out all that I've learned but work will get in the way a little.  But that is life.  One day I won't be working any more and will be able to quilt as I wish but that day is a long way off.  Until then, I'll take what I can get.


Val's Quilting Studio said...

Yippee!!! Have a blacst Michele!! We'll be looking forward to you sharing everything you learn!!

Needled Mom said...

Have a wonderful time!!

Carol said...

Have fun! Next year you will have to remind me. Maybe I'll join you:)

Diane E W said...

I am sooooo jealous. Have fun for all of us. Share pictures. I am going to follow on Facebook.

Marlene said...

Have a wonderful time. I'd be stalking Judi as well!!

QuiltSue said...

I am so behind on my blog reading that by now you'll have been, gone and come back again! I hope you enjoyed it, and I'm not the least bit jealous! (I'm also a liar, obviously)