January 7, 2015

My new address

Did you notice it up there? On the URL line? 
Glance up there.  What do you see?

I finally got made the time to go through the instructions from my domain host to get the blog address changed over to my own domain name.  Whoo hoo!  It really wasn't as hard as it seemed but during the process, I did think my goose was cooked.  Although I did what the instructions told me 3 times, I was still getting an error message.  The 4th time, doing the exact same thing, was the charm. 

From here on out, you can find me at


Luckily my domain host automatically redirected you here if you logged into the old address but for those of you who might be arriving here by other means, please make note of the new web address and change your settings accordingly.

Besides wanted to get this one step in my rebranding completed, there was another good reason for finally sitting down and doing this.  I've signed up for the We Support You blog hop hosted by Madame Samm of Sew We Quilt and Pat of Scrapatches.

I have a good friend who struggles daily and is going through some extra rough times right now so I thought she could use an extra reminder that our group of friends are here for her.  My day to show you what I have been up to will be the last one, February 11th, so come back and see what I've created.

In the meantime, keep warm (it is bitter cold here lately, Yuck) and keep stitching.


Anonymous said...

I've edited your URL in my "Reader" so I'm go to go!!!! Congrats on the change.....looks awesome!!! Staying warm here, although it's a bit of a challenge and the ole' furnace is getting a work-out!!!

sew.darn.quilt said...

Congratulations!! Do stay warm, we're freezing here as well, -40* and still no end of it!!

Needled Mom said...

Congratulations of getting it figured out. I ready to roll with you.

Scrapatches said...

The new domain is looking fabulous! Congrats and kuddos for figuring all the techie stuff out!
Thanks for showing you support and joining in the hop. Looking forward to seeing your next beautiful creation ... :) Pat

kathyinozarks said...

oh I like your new name-is there a time limit on how long the old we get directed to here-cause like you said you are still in my blog roll feed

Vicki said...

Do I need to change your address in my dashboard? I don't want to loose your blog.

StitchinByTheLake said...

I get you on Bloglovin Michele and it brought me directly here. Thought you'd like to know that. :) blessings, marlene