May 12, 2014

It's Giveaway Day plus 500th Post Giveaway

Twice a year this fabulous event happens and it is now time for the Spring 2014 edition of Giveaway Day hosted by Sew Mama Sew.
It is a blast to hop around to see what everyone is giving away and to enter to hopefully win one or two myself.  It is a giant quilting and sewing party via the internet and of course I want to part of it.

I looked through my goodies and to one lucky winner I will be sending this half yard bundle of Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket for Moda.
But wait! I'm hosting not one giveaway but two. Why? To celebrate of course.  You see, when I logged into my blog to write this post I noticed that this post is my 500th.  Not bad I think for this 2 1/2 year old blog of mine. It would be a sin to not make this an even bigger party so this is the 2nd prize up for grabs.
It is a copy do Simply Fat Quarters and a charm pack of Costume Clubhouse.

A what should I have you do to enter? It's simple.

Just leave me one comment about what your summer vacation plans are this year.

My followers get a 2nd entry.  Just tell me how you follow. I love watching the Google Friend Connect number grow.

That's it. Two chances to win.
The entries will remain open until midnight, Friday May 16th and the winner will be drawn over the weekend.

A huge thank you goes out to Sew Mama Sew for again hosting this Giveaway Day and don't forget to check out all of the other blogs hosting giveaways too. Maybe it will be your lucky day.

PS - On normal posts, I try to respond to each and every comment but on giveaway posts I unable to due to the high number of comments.


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Dorian said...

Yah! Congrats on your 500th post!! My dh works more Summers than winters, he's a logger, so Summers we don't do vacations/etc. Have a great day!

Dorian said...

I follow via google.

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Congrats on the 500 posts! I follow via BL.

Pam said...

Congratulations on your 500th post. I plan to spend some time with my grandsons.

Pam said...

I follow thru bloglovin

Katie said...

congrats on 500 -- I have no summer vacay plans this year, I may take a few days off work but more than likely it will be a sewcation (yeah I just made that up -- a staycation but dedicated to sewing)

Katie said...

follow through bloglovin

Lisa England said...

We will go to the beach with my husband's extended family, and we hope to take a trip where we can do some hiking but we haven't had time to plan it yet.

Emily C said...

No plans for summer, yet.

Emily C said...

I follow on gfc.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I'm a GFC follower and have ya right on my blogroll!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I'm teaching summer school for the month of June and then we rented a cabin in the mountains near the end of July!! YAH!

Beth said...

We took our vacation in April, so no summer vacation here :(

Beth said...

I follow on bloglovin

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said...

Hanging out with my daughter (and husband), attend weddings and hopefully buy a house!

Needled Mom said...

I'm looking forward to some beach time with the little ones.

Jeanie said...

Congrats on 500 posts! I always enjoy my visit to your blog. This summer, I'll be taking a short vacation to reunite with high school and college girl friends. Thanks so much!

Jeanie said...

I follow with GFC and Bloglovin. Thanks!

StitchinByTheLake said...

Hi Michele - what a fun giveaway! I'd have a hard time choosing. :) This summer my husband and I are going to England and Ireland. We are Methodists, and part time missionaries at a mission in south Louisiana. The England trip is to see the birthplace, church, school, etc. of our founder, John Wesley. I can hardly wait! blessings, marlene

StitchinByTheLake said...

I follow on Bloglovin. blessings, marlene

Karen said...

I follow you on Bloglovin.

Karen said...

I hope to make a trip to Amish country. Congrats on 500th post. Keep them coming.

Vicki H said...

Congrats on 500 posts. I don't have any travel plans yet for the summer, but hope to get a trip to MN to see family if possible.

Joyce Carter said...

Congratulations, Michele, on your 500th post and thank you for the giveaway. I don't have any vacation plans for the Summer because of my hubby's health. I hope to get more sewing done though.I didn't get much done during the Winter months.

Joyce Carter said...

I am a follower via GFC.

Claudia said...

No major summer plans, just lots of travel to visit family and friends! Thank you for being part of giveaway day!

Kristin said...

I just started following your blog on feedly! I'm looking forward to looking through the archive of 499 posts!

No major vacation plans for this summer, just attending lots and lots of weddings!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I have no vacation plans, but do hope to get more grandkid time in. Congratulations on the 500!!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I follow with GFC

Jusmom1 said...

We are heading to South Carolina, and I can't wait! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Jusmom1 said...

I follow on Bloglovin! Thanks again!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

No vacation for me this summer. Too much work to do!

Anonymous said...

We have a group of 8 going to Hawaii this year. This vacation has been a long time in the planning and we're really looking forward to it. Thank you for the wonderful give-away chance!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 500 posts. I follow on Google

Chiska said...

Congrats! That's a lot of posts! We're going home to Alaska this summer and very excited about it!

Chiska said...

I follow you I think with GFC (blogger some way). :)

Terri Ann @ said...

I'm taking July off to go on adventures and spend more time with friends and family! Thanks for hosting this giveaway, I'm also hosting a SMS giveaway, check it out!

Samantha K said...

500 Posts--WOW! Time flies when you are having fun!! Our summer plans are filled with mowing, gardening, and maybe a bit of camping. Oh, and I hope to do some quilting of course as well :) Thanks so much for sharing!

Samantha K said...

I follow through Bloglovin

Lynda said...

My grands turn 3 on July 9th (triplets) and I have plans to fly back to spend a couple of weeks with them - they are my only grandchildren and they live 3,000 miles away so it is a treat to spend time with them

Lynda said...

I follow you via bloglovin - congratulations on your 500th milestone - have enjoyed following you.

Sarah Craig said...

Congratulations on your 500th post! That's a huge milestone!! Having blown our vacation budget on a spring break vacay with the kids, I think we'll probably stay home most of the summer and spend time on the lake. But first we have a quick trip to Richmond for my FIL's birthday, then on to Baltimore for the Southern Baptist Convention. Hubby will work the convention, I will check out all the fabric stores and quilt shops in Baltimore!

Sarah Craig said...

And I follow you through both GFC and email! Love your blog!!! Keep those posts coming!

Unknown said...

500 posts, congratulations! I'll be taking 2 weeks off this summer - 1 week will probably be a staycation - but I should get some quilting done. The other week is still being decided - maybe PEI, maybe a cottage, not sure yet.

mean sarah jean said...

packing up the kids and driving cross-country to visit my brother.

Unknown said...

I follow your posts by email, and I love reading them.

Rachel said...

Congrats on your 500th post! My husband and I are meeting some friends for a week on a lake. It's coming up soon and I'm getting excited (and impatient ;) ). Hopefully you've got some great summer plans too! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Looks like our summer vacation will be building our house, best vacation I can think of :D

Unknown said...

I follow by email!

Shayla Sharp said...

We're hoping to move so this summer is about fixing up the house and yard--beyond the regular gardening.

Katie.Herzog said...

I am looking forward to day trips out of the city! Thanks for the giveaway!

Katie.Herzog said...

I follow via bloglovin!

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Taking road trips in our rv…can't wait!!! Thanks for the sweet giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 500th blog! This summer we plan to just stay home and go boating and golfing. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I follow you by email.

Sandy D said...

Congrats on number 500. I follow by bloglovin and email

Sandy D said...

After getting the hay cut and raked this summer we plan on visiting Daughter #2 and her new Hubby.

Unknown said...

I'm working up to running a 5k, participating in a warrior dash, and going to the coast for a week!

Lindsay said...

We are planning a zoo trip but otherwise it's going to be more of a staycation

Anonymous said...

I will be packing up and moving. Hopefully, I will be able to get some quilting in there too.
dragonfly9716 at yahoo dot com

Tina said...

We will be going to Alaska! It's my first 2 week vacation and my first cruise! I can't wait!

Tina said...

Congrats on #500 and I follow on Bloglovin.

Cheryl said...

We will be going to Disneyworld this summer :)

Cheryl said...

I follow via bloglovin

Brooke said...

I am planning on being outside a lot and spending lots of time with my kids!

Donna W said...

Congrats on your 500th! What an accomplishment.

Donna W said...

I follow via email. Thanks!

fenna said...

love the 1/2 yd bundle! Congrats on 500th post!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I'm planning to explore the area we just moved to.

Kleep said...

This summer I am playing fastball and relaxing since last summer we renovated a house and had a baby!

Kleep said...

I follow on bloglovin

Calah said...

I'm planning on some camping with the family this summer. Congrats on the 500th post!

Calah said...

I'm planning on some camping with the family this summer. Congrats on the 500th post!

jellybean said...

No Vacation this summer waiting until Sept when my son comes from the UK and my husband takes a mid tour from Korea.

Ramona said...

Congrats on your 500th post. I plan on going to MA this summer to see family, volunteer for our church's summer kid's program, sew a whole bunch and who knows what else!

Joan H. said...

We plan to attend a couple Gospel Bluegrass festivals.

Susan said...

We are going camping with the kids and grandkids. So looking forward to it. Thanks for the give-aways.

Libby said...

We're just buying a new house, so we'll be doing lots of new house projects !

Jetza said...

We are planning to go visit family on Puerto Rico :)

Jetza said...

I'm a new follower via Bloglovin as Jessibeth Vicenty :)

Sam said...

My brother is getting married this summer. Can't wait.

CarrieM said...

What a lovely family you have! I'm thinking some serious pool time!

Heather Feather said...

My summer plans are for my husband to take the bar exam and my family to move!

AlidaP said...

Congratulation on your great milestone! I don't have plans for this summer... since I am going to move soon to another state I will spend the summer getting to know the new neighborhood I guess :) thanks for the chance to win

AlidaP said...

And I follow on GFC. Thanks again!

usagypsy said...

Really don't have much planned. I think lounging by the pool is mostly what we'll be doing.

barbara woods said...

great giveaway, thanks

barbara woods said...

follow by gfc

usagypsy said...

I follow on bloglovin!

Julianne said...

We have a trip planned to attend my Nephews wedding in July and take the grandbabies to Disneyland!

Julianne said...

I follow, I follow and I follow!

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

I am going to quilt.

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

I follow via a link to my own blog.

Breanna S. said...

This year we are going to camp at a new to us state park.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

No plans yet. Husband starting a new job. 500 posts is amazing for 2 1/2years.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

I follow you via Bloglovin

Mrs.Architect said...

I follow through Google and my summer plans are Lake Carey, PA, min. one weekend a month, Phillies Games, one weekend at Hershey Park and one weekend at the Chesapeake Bay!

Jan Baker said...

Pretty empressive 500 posts. You have a new follower on bloglovin.

Jan Baker said...

I have been out of town so much this year that I really hope to be able to stay home and get something done around the house.

✄ Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy ✄ said...

I follow on Bloglovin! (I'm Sew at Home Mummy on Bloglovin!)

✄ Erin @ Sew at Home Mummy ✄ said...

I think we're going to stay around the homestead this year. Nothing special planned!

Janarama said...

Congratulations on 500 posts! I'm going to visit my sister for a few weeks.

Janarama said...

I already follow you on Google Friends connect.

Sarah said...

I follow you on bloglovin.

Sarah said...

We will be traveling to Alaska and Minnesota to visit relatives!

Jules said...

I will be taking my fiancee on his first family trip with my huge family (20 total)'s meant to welcome him to the family, but it's really more of a "hazing" (except with 8 kids under 10 instead of frat brothers). At least he gets to go to Cancun! Thanks for the chance!

Beth said...

Headed to the Smokey Mts! Can't wait!

Jules said...

I also follow you on bloglovin =)

Connie J said...

Congrats on #500! I'm headed to Maine :0)
turtle tote bags at yahoo dot com

mennikelly said...

We're visiting the in-laws this year and spending a week on the shores of the Atlantic.

Jess Z said...

We're heading to Florida for a couple of weeks; we have a family condo right of PCB and it's amazing! We'll also be staying in Wichita a week for a week long 96th birthday celebration for my husband's grandmother. Lastly, we will be hosting my daughter's FIRST birthday this summer! :) coralbunnyandlo [at] gmail [dot] com

DebraKay Neiman said...

Congrats. We will be busy helping my husband recover from his stem cell transplant so we can be there in the fall for my son's wedding AND my daughter; second child birth. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

DebraKay Neiman said...

I follow you on bloglovin. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said...

Lots of swimming and tanning at the beach!

Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said...

I follow you on BL

Andrea said...

Thanks! I'm heading to California to visit my family :) andreastaron (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I'll be spending a week at the beach with family and going to my cousin's wedding!

Desiree said...

we are going to DISNEY WORLD!

glazefamily3 AT

LittleHouseontheDairy said...

We are going to Williamsburg next week and maybe the beach later on

LittleHouseontheDairy said...

I follow on feedly

Michele @ Undiscovered Optimist said...

I just started a new job so our summer plans are up in the air right now. I am hoping we can pin something down soon! Thanks for the opportunity!

ittehgaps said...

Spending my summer quilting with my 8 yr old grand daughter who is just finishing her first quilt and already planning the next. Cindy

Victoria said...

I have a job with a non-profit arts agency this summer but am hoping to get away to South Haven, Michigan for a week of family, sunshine, and relaxation.

Margaret said...

I have no summer plans this year. Since my husband of 46years passed in Dec I have not figured out what to do with my summer.

Diane E W said...

No summer plans, really. I had major surgery in Feb, was out of work for 4 weeks. But I will take off some time to quilt and take my son to the pool.

Lori said...

lovely give a ways, thanks, congrats on 500 posts. this year we plan on going to the amish community in Shipshewana, IN we always have so much fun there
quilting lady at comcast dot net

Lori said...

I am a happy email follower

Marilyn said...

Probably going to SC to visit kids and grandkids.

A Joyful Chaos said...

We're planning to go to Sullivan's Island in South Carolina. Love the beach there!


Bethany said...

I am going to Hawaii in August! I am really excited!

Bethany said...

I am a new follower via bloglovin!

Julia said...

I am planning on visiting my friend at Myrtle Beach a couple times. And if at all possible, a quick trip up to Chicago to visit my best friend!

Katie said...

We are heading to Scotland to visit family

Kristin said...

I'm headed on an Alaskan cruise for my brother's wedding!

Tiffany said...

This summer I think we are having family and friends visit us - not visit them! :O

Tiffany said...

I follow via bloglovin! :)

Brenda said...

I'm going to Fl. with some of my family. It should be so much fun. It will be the first time for my granddaughters to see the ocean!

Brenda said...

I'm a new goole friend! Congrats on the 500!

Southern Gal said...

WE usually go to the beach, but this year may be a staycation as we have many projects that need to be completed. Thanks for the chance.

Weatherbee ;) said...

Summer vacation plans are to go camping, spend some time at the beach, sew up some awesome projects, and spend as much quality time with my kids as I can.

thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Tiffany said...

My parents are taking the whole family to Florida/Disneyworld this summer. How cool is that?
When we aren't doing that, you will probably find me and my twin 2.5 year olds at the splash pad. :)

Diane E W said...

I have been a follower for a while

Jocelyn said...

My hubby and I just bought a travel trailer, so we are planning a trip up north this summer. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jocelyn said...

I am a new follower of your blog :-)

Jane said...

Summer is family time, days on the beach, and picnics on my new quilts!


going to Greece



JenJohnson said...

Fishing in Ohio!!

JenJohnson said...

Bloglovin follower

Sallie said...

Congratulations! I plan to attend a baseball game.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 500th blog posting! I am an email follower!

Unknown said...

We might do a few day trips, including a local shop hop of 9 quilt stores within a 200 mile radius. My hubby drives me to the far ones and I do the closer ones myself.

Teresa said...

going to Honduras to visit some friends in June!

Laura said...

I am planning on going to the beach with my whole family!

sandyandcosmo said...

I am spending a week at Emerald Isle NC with my family. Love the beach!

sandyandcosmo said...

Following via GFC.

Kathy Davis said...

My summer plans are to visit my son in NW AR. He is moving from SC and will now only be 3 hours away instead of 13. Can't wait to see him.

Kathy Davis said...

I follow GFC as Mrs. Kathy Davis.

Mom C said...

Sew with my grandchildren, stay up the mountain and attend 2 quilt retreats. Can't wait. Thanks.

Kathy said...

Co-worker just retired so unfortunately I don't think I'll have much time to vacation this summer. A couple long holiday weekends will have to be made the best of. I did just sneak a couple days off with the new graduate in the family though:)

Kathy said...

Longtime, happy follower by GFC and bloglovin:) Congrats on another huge milestone!!!

Jo said...

Sturgis Rally on the bikes then as soon as we get home fly to Connecticut for a month of camping with the grands..........what was I thinking to agree to all this

Jo said...

I follow with bloglovin

Carmen N said...

Just going camping with the family for an extended weekend.

Diane P said...

get set up in our new house

Kat said...

Congrats! I am going to Santa Fe for a week or so this summer.

Angelia Lanouette said...

Congratulations on 500 posts! It has already been a rough year so we don't have any summer vacation plans this year. Hopefully we can take a mini vacation this fall to Myrtle Beach, SC.

Pocky said...

Just got back from New Zealand, so summer will be spent working. :(

tammi said...

My big trip this summer will be a reunion with my 5 siblings! we are spread from Oregon to Florida so this is a once a decade happening.

tammi said...

I follow on bloglovin

Roxanna said...

I follow on Bloglovin. I am off to Hawaii in February so no summer vacation.

Stephanie said...

Our vacation plans include a trip home to Michigan. We are Navy and will retire later this year. So hopefully we can look for houses while we are there.

Stephanie said...

I follow on Bloglovin' as The Simplified Home

Adele said...

No trip plans yet but I do plan on sewing

kt said...

We will be joining a group to bike/camp across our state as part of our state park's centennial celebration! Thanks for the chance to win!

mkjmc said...

No plans I am staying home and relaxing in my own backyard

Rebeckah Austin said...

I follow bloglovin!

Rebeckah Austin said...

I have NO summer plans!

Anonymous said...

we will probably go to northampton (massachusetts) for a month. not much of a vacation though, as my partner will be using the time to do research for his dissertation. it will be great for our daughter to spend some quality time with her aunt & uncle though...& i'm hoping i'll finally get a chance to go into boston & check out gather here, which sounds like a really interesting fabric shop!

JDBrown said...

busy summer -- beach trips and camping and concerts!

Who-lee-uh said...

We go camping every summer, on the lake and enjoy burnt food and sunburns :) said...

We don't go far chickens, and we have a huge garden and so those and canning as well as working keep us busy, but I may be able to talk DH into a small road trip. said...

I am a follower via bloglovin

bee said...

mostly work with hopes to go camping this summer

Nancy Sue said...

family reunions, gardening, sewing, and chill-axing!!!!

Nancy Sue said...

I follow you on bloglovin. Happy happy on your 500th post. Excellent for such a short amount of time! YOu've been busy!!!

Quilting Tangent said...

Giveaway #2 Congratulations on 500! Following you.

Quilting Tangent said...

I meant to leave my email. 24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com

Ellie said...

This summer we hope to make it up to the Great Lakes! Thanks for the giveaway!

Kelly Wilson said...

I follow via Google Connect. Thanks! notwendy at gmail dot com

Kelly Wilson said...

I plan to visit my parents in South Carolina (and eat bbq and real cornbread). Thanks!

Bonnie said...

Bible Bowl national competition! Thanks for the giveaway!

Lee said...

Congrats on 500 posts! This summer we are going to visit my brother and his family in NY!

Lee said...

I am a follower on Bloglovn!

Crystal Hendrix said...

I'm going to Vegas next weekend and I am so excited!

Crystal Hendrix said...

I'm following via bloglovin

Megan said...

I just had a baby, so we won't be travelling or camping too much, but I hope to be outside with my husband and three kids as much as possible! We're from MN and this past Winter was TERRIBLE!

Susan @ MadebyMommainPA.Blogspot.Com said...

Our summer vacation plans include a trip to Myrtle Beach and a couple of weekend camping trips thrown in! I really want to make sure my son enjoys the outdoors ((with NO electronics lol))

Susan @ MadebyMommainPA.Blogspot.Com said...

Im following on Bloglovin'. I actually read the blogs I follow if I put them on there!

Patty said...

congrats on the 500! We've a week planned for the beach in August

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