December 28, 2013

Minutia About Me - the Danny Ornaments

The holiday season following my nephew Danny's death, I wanted to find a way to help my family's healing and find a special way to remember him each Christmas. After a lot of searching I found that special little something that started a precious annual tradition.  That year everyone received this Memorial Tear ornament. The rose is a symbol of a love that never ends.
Since that 1st ornament 8 years ago, we have taken turns finding other ornaments to honor his memory. This is the one that my Mom added to the collection in the early years.
I don't remember who found this one (I think it was Marianne) but it was one of the first angel ornaments that has since become a continued ongoing theme.
My sister Diane, Danny's Mom, found this perfect angel ornament one year.
My sister Tina found this beautiful angel ornament for everyone one year.
This gorgeous angel wings ornament was spotted by one of the sisters one year but it was sold out. The following year I hunted it down in the season and rushed to buy enough for our clan. The inscription says: 
"Those we love don't go away
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard,
but always near,
Still loved, still missed and very dear"
One year Diane had a local artist carve these masterpieces for each of us.
This was the angel ornament that I found last year. It is 3 dimensional and just gorgeous in its simplicity. Unfortunately I was only able to get 4 locally but a dear friend in England was able to purchase the rest that I needed and shipped them to me. I'll forever be grateful for her help.
And this silver angel is this year's Danny ornament. When we all gather today to celebrate Christmas together, the first thing we will do is to hand out these ornaments and spend time remembering the one that is missing from our family.
These ornaments don't get packed up with the rest of the Christmas ornaments each year. They hang in my kitchen window, except for the carved one, it is too thick to hang between the glass and the screen and it is on the window ledge instead. I look at them each and every day. They provide me comfort and many happy memories of him.
We aren't the only family that misses a loved one this time of year but we have in our own way, found a special symbol to help keep him near and dear in our hearts all year round.


http://thankfullga447 said...

The ornaments are so lovely and they have such great meaning. God Bless you and your family.

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Beautiful post and wonderful tribute to Danny. Our loved ones may be gone, but they are never forgotten. Hugs.

Needled Mom said...

They are really beautiful rememberances of your nephew. It is such a lovely tradition.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What precious ornaments and a perfect way to remember Danny!

kathyinozarks said...

a special way to remember

Linda said...

So special Michele. I love that the ornaments don't get packed away.

Diane-crewe said...

beautiful memories x

charlotte said...

What a lovely tradition you have come up with to remember your loved one.

Anonymous said...


Tina said...

The first angel was me........I do love them all. I think all of us keep them out year round.

Samantha K said...

What a great way to remember. I really like the heart ornament with the angel wings. It is also great that you keep them out all year long.

My Mother-In-Law passed away in April and one of my sister-in-laws bought ornaments for each of the kids that are angel wings folded like a heart. I think we may come up with a new tradition at our homes as well.

It is never easy missing someone, but our memories are what keep them with us forever!