November 2, 2013

What I'm working on

Don't miss out on entering my Just Wickedly Ghastlie Giveaway here. The entries close tonight at Midnight.

Yesterday I started a new quilt. It is one that has been on the "To Make List" for a long time. I bought the fabrics for this 4 years ago.

The plan for this began when I bought a couple of packs of charms from Calico Gals in Syracuse, NY in April 2009 when I was just a total newborn to quilting. There were 75 charms in each pack and I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do with them.
Then that fall I went to my very 1st local quilt show, saw this quilt and knew that it was the perfect jumping off point for these charms. I went home, played around with scraps to work out what I wanted to do, hunted until I found yardage that I liked and then it all sat in a bag waiting. Until yesterday.
 These are the fabrics that I'm working with, the pile of what I'm dubbing Shabby Chic charms, the light green & white yardage and the blue yardage.
 I decided to start with the blue fabrics and of course ironing and cutting was the 1st order of business. Some 1 1/2" wide logs and some fast chain piecing and a short time later this is what I had.
After pressing, some more fast chain piecing was accomplished before I had to go pick up the kidlets from school.
 As soon as I hit "Publish" on this post, I'll be off to work on the next step.
This quilt will be a Christmas gift for my Mom this year so it can't wait around any longer to get made. keep your fingers crossed for me that it will continue to go quickly and this one can be completed in time.


Linda said...

What a great quilt! I love the design. Your colour choices are really nice. Your mother will love it.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Great pattern and lovely fabrics you have to play with.

Diane-crewe said...

gotta LOVE a scrap quilt x

Samantha said...

I really love your fabric choices. Don't you love digging those things out that have been UFOs forever and getting started on them? :D

Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

It's going to be lovely! What a nice Christmas gift for mom too!