October 19, 2013

350+ Followers & 400th Post Double Giveaway

I promised to have a giveaway when I reached 350 Google Friend Connect followers and that did happen during the Pin It Blog Hop but I've had to wait for that giveaway and the Daily Craft TV giveaway to finish before I could post this one. Keeping up with comment replies sometimes is hard enough with regular life stuf and 2 kidlets...I didn't want to have to try and do it for 2 giveaways at the same time.
Thanks to all of you I'm currently at 363 followers though I know that the number is probably much higher since so many are only following through another source and because of that I can't get an accurate count. At some point I'll have to figure out something else but for now I'll have to stick with using the Google Friend Connect total.

In addition I was happily surprised when I logged in to actually write this post I saw that this one is my 400th post.
Wow! Not bad for just under 2 years since starting this blog.
Plus having another reason to celebrate can't be a bad thing either.
It definitely calls for a Double Giveaway today!

So what have I decided to giveaway? Weeellllll.....I do have a nice little stack of options since I purposely buy things at times specifically for this pile. I went through the choices and have elected to giveaway these 2 goodies.

One winner will receive this stack of 1 yard cuts of Summersault by Erin McMorris for Free Spirit.
 And the other winner will receive this book More Layer Cake, Jelly Roll & Charm Quilts by Pam and Nicky Lintott.
 I love precuts and of course having great ideas as to what to do with them is a good thing.

Now to decide how you can enter to win one of these....Hmmmmm, lot of possibilities available.

Since it is Halloween season and the stores are overflowing with candy, how about you tell me:

1) your One favorite candy bar.
I'd have a tough time deciding, especially since I don't eat a lot of candy bars, but a Reese's Nutrageous or a Baby Ruth would be Yummy!
2) My followers get a 2nd entry, tell me how you follow.

Please, please, please leave me your email address in your comment if you are a No Reply Blogger. I still get NRB comments regularly and I'm not able to reply back to you.

Entries will close at Midnight, Thursday October 24th and the winners will be announced the next day.

Thank you one and all for continuing to follow along on my quilting journey. The friends I have made along the way is just icing on the cake of all that I have learned from you.


Michele T said...

Looks like I may very well be the first to congratulate you!! My favorite candy is milk chocolate!!

Michele T said...

I follow your blog and thank you for an extra chance!!

Ella said...

Congrats! My favorite are Reese's pb cups.

Ella said...

I'm a follower!

Mary said...

Congratulations on your most popular and successful blog! Wow! I am a follower through blogger and bloglovin.

Mary said...

Thanks for second chance, my favorite candy bar would be plain chocolate.

bluenines said...

Congratulation on you 400 posts! I follow you with blogger as to my favorite candy bar, that is kinda hard to pick just one, but at this moment it would have to be a trix bar, happy sewing to all

Cheryl said...

I love Twix bars the best which is great because my son does not like chocolate so I get his

Cheryl said...

I follow your wonderful blog through bloglovin

beaquilter said...

Congrats on both! Hmm my favorite candy bar is..... hmmm I really like candy that's NOT a bar, like danish licorice, sour gummy worms, chocolate! of the regular choc bars, it's either snickers or milky way :)

beaquilter said...

I'm a stalker- I mean follower too

Barb Neiwert said...

400 posts, 200 per year, that's about 4 posts per week. You are on a roll, girl! Very nice. I follow through Bloglovin and originally found you because I was curious about your Name.

Barb Neiwert said...

Give me a good, milk chocolate, caramel-filled See's Candy any day, and I'll be content!

Gill said...

Congratulations on both your milestones!
I love Galaxy chocolate!

Gill said...

I'm a GFC follower!

Needled Mom said...

Congratulations, Michele. I enjoy your blog through Google.

Needled Mom said...

I'd have to say that my favorite candy bar is a Snickers.

Lisa England said...

Mounds and Almond Joy are both good. And there is a candy bar called Take 5 which I seldom see, but is really good.

Kathy Schwartz said...

Congrats on your 400th post! I'm sure you have more followers then 363 as there are so many ways to follow a blog now! My favorite chocolate bar is Kit Kat!

Kathy Schwartz said...

I'm a Google Friends Connect followers but I also have you on my Feedly reader.

Vicki said...

Hey Michele, Long time no comment I've been off the web for a while Congrats on your popularity Now I will go and catch up on the postings.
Favorite candy bar is Butterfinger

Vicki said...

I am a follower through Feedly

Betsy said...

Michele, almond joy is my old time favorite.

Betsy said...

I already follow on GFC and bloglovin

Linda in PA said...

Congratulations on followers and posts!

Linda in PA said...

I follow you on Feedly.

Fignie said...

Awesome milestone to reach!
I loooooove Goodies ... the little candy coated liquorices :)
And I follow :)

Emily C said...

I have a perpetual bag of Dove squares in milk chocolate. Dove and Lindt are my 2 favorite chocolate companies. If I eat a candy bar it is 3 musketeers. You can't beat chocolate wrapped in chocolate.

Emily C said...

I follow on Bloglovin and GFC.

Jusmom1 said...

I love kit kata! Thanks for the chance to win.

Jusmom1 said...

I follow you on blog login!

Nikita said...

Mars Bars use to be the one I would reach for all the time, then snickers.

Nikita said...

I am a follower of your blog through blogger

Lynda said...

I love candy bars with nuts, but with my ailing teeth and gaining inches, I now find that a bowl of M&M's is great for staving off that chocolate craving - just a few will do the trick, and a bag will last a very long time nowdays

Lynda said...

I am a follower - don't remember if I signed up through google friend, or bloglovin - I just became a follower this past week - I too love all things colors of the rainbow

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I can stretch a little package of M&M's into a week - that little bit of chocolate fills my fancy.

barbara woods said...

i follow you by gfc thanks

barbara woods said...

if it's chocolate i love it!! i keep frozen choco chips in my freezer to grab a handful when i need a fix

Joyce Carter said...

Congratulations, Michele. I really enjoy your blog. My favorite candy is Twix candy bars. Thank you for a great giveaway.

Joyce Carter said...

I follow you through GFC/Bloglovin.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I follow thru GFC

Rebeckah Austin said...

Anything with Nuts! Snickers!

Kathy MacKie said...

I follow you via Google Friend Connect and that book looks devine.

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

I follow with Feedly :)

Kathy MacKie said...

My favourite chocolate bar would be Coffee Crisp...yummy!

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Skor is my favorite candy bar. I have a link to your blog on mine and that is how I follow you.

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

My favorite candy bar right now is Snickers Almond. Not a real big fan of milk chocolate, though :)

juceyj03 said...

Mmmmm candy!!! I love twix candy bars but like you I don't eat a lot of candy so when I do eat some every now and then it is a real treat!!
Thanks for the chance, Jessica

juceyj03 said...

I follow via bloglovin!
Thanks again for the chance, Jessica

Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

Dark Chocolate Milky Way! LOL Now I think I need one.

Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

I am now following you on Bloglovin and GFC. I actually friended you before seeing this giveaway! Congrats on your 400th post!

Dianne Mitzel said...

I follow your blog on facebook..

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

York Mint

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm a follower.

Quilting Tangent said...

I follow on bloglovin. 24Tangent@gmail.com

Sewing Mom said...

Do I have to pick just one?!?!?! if it's little candy bars, I love butterfingers! =) Thanks!

Sewing Mom said...

I follow your blog too!

Quilting Tangent said...

Hersey chocolate bar with caramel in the middle of each section, like you don't eat much candy, so don't know name of it. 24Tangent@gmail.com

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

Michelle, I follow you through my Google Chrome email. Although I try to stay away, SNICKERS always satisfies me. It is my fav.

Lori said...

WOOHOOO!!!! A huge congratulations. I don't eat candy anymore, but when I did my favorite candy bar was Snickers, couldn't get enough of the caramel. LOL This is a fantastic give a way. That book really looks exciting. Thanks for a chance to win.
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

Lori said...

I am a happy follower via email. Thanks so much. I have learned from you so much.

Karyn said...

I'm a junkie when it comes to candy bars.... favorite? Whichever one is in front of me I guess... Reese's, KitKat, Twix, Mounds......

Karyn said...

I follow by email and GFC

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Congrats Michelle. I love your blog and all your great projects! I loce an Almond Joy candy bar!

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

I started following you with GFC and now with BL.

c said...

I think you do a fine job sharing with everyone, and I do appreciate the giveaway.

OhioLori said...

My favorite Candy Bar is 3 Musketeer's!!!! YUM!!

OhioLori said...

Follow thru GFC, & also Bloglovin' now too.... Loooove your Blog! :)

Brenda said...

I receive your email. Congrats. on the 400 followers!

Brenda said...

I like all candy bars!!! Not picky at all!

Anita said...

Wow, narrowing to one candy bar is hard, maybe Twix or Caramello bars, yumm. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anita said...

I follow with GFC, but read your blog on bloglovin. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Linda said...

Congrats Michele! 400 wonderful posts. I have been blogging for over 5 years and I haven't made it to 400 posts yet Coffee Crisp is my all-time fav chocolate bar. darn..now I want one!

Linda said...

I happily follow by GFC and BL.

Sarah Craig said...

Congratulations on those fabulous milestones! My favorite candy bar? I'd have to say it's a draw between a Snickers bar and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups...

Diane E W said...

My favorite candy is not a bar, I love chocolate cover almonds. Love them I'm telling you.

Diane E W said...

I'm a Google Friend.

Sarah Craig said...

And I follow you through email and Google Friend Connect. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Nexxxus Ramblings said...

I would have to say that Almond Joys are my favorite candy and I follow you through bloglovin

usagypsy said...

Sometimes I get a craving for a good old Hershey bar. But if you add some caramel in the middle I'm heaven :)

usagypsy said...

I think I'm a follower with google friend but read the blog with bloglovin.

charlotte said...

Wow 400 posts in two years! That's a lot! Congratulations. My favorite candy would be either snickers, or reeses peanut butter cups.

charlotte said...

I follow on GFC and bloglovin'.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! My favorite is Turkish Delight.

Anonymous said...

I follow by e-mail.

sue bennett said...


The butterfinger

sue bennett said...

I follow you thru email. But I did become a regular follower today.

CLS said...

I am a follower.

CLS said...

I love the Caramilk bar.

Rita@PinPrickedFingers.com said...

Although I don't eat them often, my fave would be "Oh Henry" candy bar!

Rita@PinPrickedFingers.com said...

I follow you in bloglovin! Thanks for the great giveaway! Congrats too on 400 posts and 350+ followers! Wow!

Margaret said...

My favorite candy is butterfingers. Thanks for the chance to win

Margaret said...

I follow by blog lovin

Sue said...

No hesitation on this answer! Reese's Peanut Butter cups. There is no better candy bar anywhere, anyway!!!!!

Sue said...

I am a follower! How else do you think I knew about your 400th post! LOL!

Heidi said...

I am a SUCKER for a Almond Roca!

Heidi said...

I follow via Bloglovin!

Janarama said...

My favorite candy bar is milk chocolate with almonds.

Janarama said...

I follow you via GFC. Congratulations on over 350 followers and 400 posts!

Unknown said...

Almond Joy..mmmmmm, chocolate over coconut....mmmmmm

Unknown said...

I follow you via email. 400 posts...are you tired?

JACLYN said...

My favorite are kitkats!

JACLYN said...

GFC follower

Farm Quilter said...

Baby Ruth or Butterfinger!! I just ate dinner and now I'm hungry for chocolate!!!

Farm Quilter said...

I follow you with Bloglovin'

Rachell said...

Oooh goody! This book is on my wish list! Good for the charm swap we're all doing!
I follow you on the blog feed and on Bloglovin'.

Rachell said...

I need to have a bag of Dove Dark Chocolate Promises around all the time. My new favorite is the Dark Chocolate Mint Swirls Doves. Or I need a Hershey's Special Dark.
Forget the suckers and Skittles in the Halloween bag--I want chocolate: KitKat, Miniatures, Almond Joy.

Judy1522 said...

Congratulations on both the followers and the posts. My favorite candy bar is the Lindt dark chocolate with sea salt. Actually anything made by Lindt is a favorite of mine.

Judy1522 said...

I follow you through bloglovin.

Anonymous said...

My favorite candy bar is Hershey's with Almonds. Yum! thriftstorecrafter at yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I follow you with Bloglovin'. thriftstorecrafter at yahoo.com

Samantha K said...

1 favorite?!? How does a person pick just one? I'd probably have to go with the Take Five candy bars--they have all of my favorites in one bar!!

Samantha K said...

I follow through Blovlovin and Google--Thanks so much for sharing!

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

Congrats on your two big milestones! I'm really loving the Summersault by Erin McMorris fabrics you're giving away. Picking 1 favorite candy bar is really hard as my favorite seems to change all the time. Right now, I've been on a KitKat craving!

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

I follow through Bloglovin!

Angela Bullard said...

Congrats! I would have to say Almond Joy is my favorite :)

LJ said...

Congratulations! 400 posts is a lot! I can't believe it's only been 2 years since you started your blog - I only started following blogs about 2 years ago and it always seems that everyone else has been involved WAY before me. :) I not a big candy bar person, either, but I do love nuts. Snickers (frozen) are definitely great but I also love like Mounds.

LJ said...

I follow via GFC and Feedly.

Snoodles said...

I follow you with Bloglovin! Love that apron tutorial up there!

Snoodles said...

Hmmmm, favorite candy bar? Definitely Reese's peanut butter cup....oh, my downfall! LOL

MoeWest said...

I like Bounty bars, yummy coconut covered with chocolate. I tell myself that they are a healthy source of fibre!

MoeWest said...

I follow with bloglovin and GFC.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Congrats on the followers and blog post anniversaries!! I always enjoy your blog!