October 31, 2013

Just Wickedly Ghastlie and Giveaway

Are people born
My friend Elphaba flew in today for a little visit and we debated this over our usual chamomile tea.
 Wicked or not, she was a dear and brought me this perfectly wicked gown to wear tonight when we go out on our annual ride.
I so look forward this evening's events every year but up until now I haven't had the appropriate attire. This  desperately needs some spooktacular embellishments but that will have to wait. All Hallows Eve is here so it will still do nicely for tonight as it is.

When we finished our tea and the plans for our ride, we wandered upstairs to see what wickedly wonderful projects I have been working on. The sight we beheld as we walked in the room was simply eerie.
 There were so many of them but I only managed to capture this one in the act before she scampered away like all her friends.
The evidence was clear. Lucy was in need of appropriate attire herself. The eight legged critters are really no bother but one wouldn't want them tangling up all the pretty thread, now would one?

With a flick of my wrist and a wave of my wand, a fitting solution to the dilemma appeared.
Oh and look, Ephalba's neighbors the Ghastlies decided to visit too. The entire clan came along for some tea including that menacing cat Sebastian and those 3 sisters whom all have names starting with "M" like me. Coincidence? Maybe? But then again, maybe not!
Ghastlie matriarch Mathilda is keeping her eye on them all so they'd better beware.
 Daria tends to wonder off when no one is looking.
 Time was getting late and more preparations needed to be done before the sun sets tonight so Elphaba was on her way.
My own hat is ready and I'll be on my broom tonight before the 1st trick-or-treaters start making their rounds. My Ghastlie friends will stay behind of course and keep the spiders at bay.
Many other Wicked ladies have cast their spells over their own projects so fly on your broom to their castles to see what they've brewed up for you.

Hat's off to the spectacular Madame Samm and Wicked Wendy for yet another fabulous Wickedly good time.
Just one more thing before you go off into the night. My neighbors
the Halliwell sisters thought it would be simply Charming if I offered up a little treat of my own for one of you.
Saltbox Harvest, 3 half yard cuts will fly on a postal broom from me to one of you.
Leave me a comment of your choosing to be entered to win.
Entries will close
 at the stroke of Midnight on Saturday, Nov 2nd.
The rules are the same as always, leave your email if you are a No Reply Blogger.

Happy Halloween to all and to all a simply Ghastlie night!

October 28, 2013

A recent conversation

Sunshine: "Whacha dewin Mama? You makin a qote?"

Me: "No honey, this quilt is all done. I'm just sewing the label on and then we are going to give it to baby Sidney."

Sunshine: "Mama can you teach me to make a qote when I be bigger like you?"

Me: "Absolutely Sweetie."

Sunshine: "I have a qote. We made it togeder, right Mom?"

Me: "Yes we did." 

Jammer: "Mommy when can I make a quilt like Sunshine's?"

Me: "Very soon buddy, very soon."

Two fast asleep kidlets a short time later and my mind was a churnin. Wondering.
Wondering how. Wondering when.
Spending quality time with each child fostering the love of crafting is important.
I want to do that.
They don't know about the little kits I bought for each of them at the NJ quilt show in the Spring. I've been saving them for a cold and blustery weekend, which will be coming before much longer. Of that there is no doubt.
The following morning while in the shower, I got to thinking some more.
I do a lot of thinking in the shower.
Do you?

This community of quilters is pretty awesome.
I've learned so much. Many have helped when I've asked. My circle of quilty friends continues to get bigger. I've even met a couple of them in person, one just the other day. Doreen of Treadlemusic and her husband were driving through my area and we were able to chat over a nice extended lunch.

I want my kids to know this community too, to know how terrific quilters are. I want them to connect with other kids and share their love of creating like I have done.

An idea started brewing, something just for the littler ones. The plan is being hatched and my kids are excited.
A few more details to work out and then I'll fill you in.
Stay tuned.

October 26, 2013

Double Winners

Thank you to all who entered my 350+ followers and 400th post giveaway.
Reading about your favorite candy bars was very tough.....tough in that it constantly gave me chocolate cravings, except for the ones containing coconut of course......those types are never in this house....I'm very allergic to coconut. Weird allergy, I know, but it is the only food that I can't have.

Anywho I'm sure you are just wanting to find out if you won.
I would too if I were you.
But there can only be 2 winners. 

I asked the mystical Mr. Random for a couple of special numbers and the 1st one he pulled out of his hat is:

Congratulations on those fabulous milestones! My favorite candy bar? I'd have to say it's a draw between a Snickers bar and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups...

Congratulations Sarah! You will be receiving the (3) 1 yard cuts of Summersault by Erin McMorris.
The 2nd number pulled out of Mr. Random's hat is:

Oooh goody! This book is on my wish list! Good for the charm swap we're all doing!
I follow you on the blog feed and on Bloglovin'.

Congratulations Rachell! I can't believe that of all the comments, Mr. Random picked for the 2nd winner the 1 person who mentioned that she is wishing for this book but he certainly did.
Both ladies have been sent emails of congratulations but since I already have their addresses because they've participated in my swaps, I don't have to wait to hear back from them before I can put their prizes in the mail. They will be on their way today.

Don't forget to check back on All Hallows Eve to see my contribution for the Wicked Blog Hop.
 This is my favorite hop of the entire year and working on my project(s) always makes me very happy. There might even be a little giveaway involved.

Happy weekend all!

October 24, 2013

A Brewin

There are only a few hours left to enter my 350+ followers and 400 Posts Giveaway. Entries will close at the bewitching hour....Midnight tonight.

Early morning light.
Wicked happenings are being experienced.
And we've seen a few of these sights recently.
Noises of an eerily strange nature have been heard coming from this place.
The haunted activities have begun....the Wicked Blog Hop is under way, casting its spell over all who participate.
The leaders of the broom flyers are none other than

These characters have invaded my studio.
They will emerge from their hiding on Thursday, October 31st. Make sure you don't miss it. It is going to be a Ghastlie good time.

October 21, 2013

Kid's Art/Chef Apron - A Tutorial

Kid's Art Apron
You'll need:

*(1) 1/2 yard of fabric for the front
*(1) 1/2 yard of fabric or muslin for the back
(1) 1/2 yard of fusible medium weight interfacing or a piece at least 18" x 23"
*(1) Dritz Extra Large Eyelet Kit (7/16"), the pack with the included tools, not the refill pack
*80" of twill tape (I used white)
*7" sew on velcro

Start by layering your 2 pieces of fabric on top of each other.
Place your pattern on top, pin in place and cut out both pieces at the same time.
My BFF traced her pattern for me to use but you can easily make one yourself. With a ruler and a large piece of craft paper, draw and cut out a rectangle 23" long x 18" wide.
Make a mark 15" from the bottom on both sides. This will be the lower edge of the underarm area. Then measure in 5 1/2" from each side on the top. Draw a 7" line between the 2 marks. This will be the top section. Draw a gently curving arc from the outsides of the 7" line down to the marks at the 15" spot. My photo editing program wouldn't let me draw the line as a curve, but that is what you should do.
Cut out your pattern and use it to cut your apron pieces.

Using the same pattern, cut out a piece of medium weight interfacing. I used Pellon 931td.
Following the manufacturer's instructions, fuse the interfacing to the wrong side of your backing fabric.
With right sides together, layer your front and back pieces and pin.
Starting at about 1/3 from the side edge of the bottom, start stitching the 2 pieces together using a 1/4" seam, making sure to back stitch at the beginning and end of each area.
Once you get back around to the bottom, stop your stitching 4-5 inches from where you began. You will use this opening to turn your apron right sides out.
Hand stitch closed the opening at the bottom.
Next open your pack of eyelets and take out 4 eyelets, 4 washers, the anvil and the setter.
Determine the placement of your eyelets.
Draw a circle on the inside of the eyelet shaft in each spot.
Cut out the fabric along the marked line. Using my embroidery scissors, I poked a hole through and then followed the line. Don't worry that the holes aren't big enough for the eyelets. You'll work the eyelet shaft in and the fabric will be nice and tight around it.
Following the instructions on the back of the package, secure the eyelets in place. Hint: at first I tried to do this on my cutting table with a block of wood under the anvil but that only worked partially. I then took everything to the basement and did it on the concrete floor and had much better success. The eyelets closed together perfectly. You'll have to pry the setter out each time but it isn't difficult.
Next cut (1) 3 1/2" piece of velcro. I used the snag free version to hopefully help keep hair from getting tangled and pulled.
Cut (2) 12" pieces of twill tape and sew one side of the velcro to each piece of twill tape.
Making sure you have the velcro sides lined up properly to attach together (one should be face up and one should be face down), thread the twill tape through the top eyelets and sew the ends to itself to secure.
Next cut a 56" piece of twill tape for the middle tie. Find the center of the twill tape and the center of the apron and pin in place.
Sew down the center only of the twill tape using whatever pattern you wish. I did an X inside a square.
Lastly sew down both end of the ties to keep them from unraveling and you are done.
Ta Da!
One cute kid's apron is all finished and ready to be covered with paint and markers (or flour and sugar if it will be used for a cooking assistant).
Here is my Sunshine modeling her new apron. With the way the wait tie attaches with this apron, I really like that it totally goes around her waist comfortably for her.
Jammer is modeling his apron, with a goofy smile of course.
I used the exact same pattern for both aprons so you can see here how they fit based on my kids' height. Jammer is 48" tall and Sunshine is a peanut at 38" tall. You can make your apron shorter or longer by adjusting the length of your pattern.
The kids love their aprons and couldn't wait to take them to school today. I'm glad that they actually want to use them during art class. Hopefully I'll have a lot less stains to remove from their clothes this year.

Linking up today!
stitch by stitch