July 9, 2013

What I've been working on

I'm anxious to get Joey's 100 Good Wishes Quilt done so that it can be sent off to Kris who will in turn deliver it to him. I'm sure it  will comfort him as he continues to battle his renal cancer.

It will be a simple design...the squares just sashed and the 1st step of that part went pretty fast.
Then I started joining the blocks together.
Before you could blink, the completed rows started to add up.
Half of them are now done and I hope to get the other half done, the rows joined together and the borders attached before the end of the day tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Joey needs all of our love and healing wishes surrounding him as soon as possible.


sew.darn.quilt said...

It looks great Michele :)

Anonymous said...

We pray for little Joey daily.....thanks for the quilt update! Blessings, Doreen

Michele T said...

It's looking great!! Thanks for sharing the update and I can't wait to see it complete!! Hope little Joey is doing okay.

Needled Mom said...

It's going to be gorgeous. Still praying for Joey here.