June 7, 2013

Announcing the "It's a Sister Thing" Secret Pal Swap

It is time for something totally different on the Crayon Box blog. I'm happy to announce that sign ups are now open for the:
Sisters have unique relationships that others can't understand. Sisters aren't just those who have the same parents, they are also those with whom we have the very closest connections of the heart. My daughter is lucky enough to have 14 sisters who are all the little girls who were in our China Travel group. Together they  share their unique stories of their journeys to their forever families.
I have 3 biological sisters myself and we are extremely close. I'm also very lucky to have my very bestest BFF who is as much a sister to me as the ones I grew up in the same house with. We share things with each other, the good and the bad, we borrow clothes from each other (if we can) and we never have a hard time telling each other if an outfit looks horrible on one of us. We shop together, we know each others' tastes and we laugh at each other A LOT.
You are never alone in this world as long as you have a Sister!

My sisters and I have a motto when it comes to things we do together or buy for each other.

"It's A Sister Thing"

Our mom, brother and hubbies understand that line and usually don't bother asking questions, because they'd probably never get it anyway!

To celebrate sisters, both those with whom we share blood ties and those of the heart, I decided to put together this really fun swap. It is designed to have you become a "sister" to another quilter and hopefully along the way you'll become really great friends too.

Here's the plan:

1) This is a 1 time only swap. You will send 1 package and you will receive 1 package.

2) You will have all summer long to get your package ready.

3) You will be matched with 1 person and over the coming 2 months you get to follow stalk their blog to get a good sense of who they are, what they like and what sort of handmade goody they'd love to receive from you.

4) Yes you must have a blog to participate in this swap. How else would your Secret Pal be able to learn all about you?

5) You should make one handmade item for your Secret Pal. If you want to make more, that is totally up to you. It could be a tote, a clutch, a clothing item (good luck guessing their size), a small quilt, a wall hanging, a set of place mats, a table runner, a pin cushion...in other words...anything your heart desires.

6) If you wish, you could include some other fun items that you find during your summer travels that you know your Secret Pal would just adore. I for one am looking forward to searching out some cool trinkets during my upcoming summer trips.

7) This isn't meant to be an expensive swap. One handmade item minimum and whatever small additional goodies you wish to add, if you wish to of course. I suggest the box be no bigger than a USPS Priority Mail Medium sized box.

8) The person that you will be a Secret Pal to isn't the person that will be your Secret Pal. I'm sneaky, I know! You won't know who has been stalking you until your surprise package arrives.

9) Mailing deadline will be August 31st.

10) You must post about the box you receive on your blog. We certainly want all the world to know what sort of goodies our Secret Pals send to us, don't we?

Sign ups will remain open to Midnight, Saturday June 29th. Your Secret Pal match will be emailed to you the following day. This is open to international sisters too.

To join in, email me:
*Your full name
*Your complete address
*Your phone number (just in case)
*Your blog address
*If you are willing to ship internationally Yes or No

I was lucky to be a Secret Pal to someone who is now a good friend and to receive packages from my Secret Pal while we waited the long years to bring our daughter home from China. I cherish the memories of the days the boxes to me arrived and think of her each time I see something she sent. I also remember all the fun I had shopping for just the perfect little goodies to send to the person that I was a Secret Pal too. To this day we still laugh about the crazy things I sent to her (like the multitudes of Mr. Potato Head theme accessory sets).

Those same feelings and memories are what I want to create here for you, both for the person that you will be a Secret Pal to and the person that will be your Secret Pal. I hope that your new motto will become
"It's A Sister Thing!"


beaquilter said...

uhhh you know I'm in, though I'm an only child :-) but a quilting sister is good...

Katie said...

I have sisters but they are much older than I am and I missed out on that experience but my guild mates are like sisters to me and I love most of my good friends like sisters. I'm in for this swap -- but I think you meant to put June 29 as the deadline (rather than July 29).

Diane-crewe said...

I have brothers.. anyone want them? but no sisters .. so count me in xx you have all my info.. just let me know if you need anything else xx

Kim said...

This is so exciting!
xoxo Kim

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

Fun; I'm in :) I grew up with 4 sisters, no brothers, so I totally get it. Can't wait to find another long lost sister.

Tina said...

I'm in of course, Sister Dear!

Janet said...

I`m in. I need a sister.