May 26, 2013

This is absurd!

Can you believe this? It is insane!

It is the end of May, Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer and this is today's high temperature. The rain will return later today and the temps will then drop.

Yesterday was worse. Rain all day, bone chilling cold and a high of only 49 degrees. We even ran the fireplace once we got home to take the chill off.

This should not is just so wrong!

I'm heading out shortly to the local garden centers to pick up my veggie and flower plants while the skies are still clear. The weather is supposed to be much better tomorrow and I hope to get the flower pots planted and the veggies snug into their new home.

I sure hope the weather is nicer where you are. Ok, enough of my mini rant for today. Now we return to our regularily scheduled programing.


sew.darn.quilt said...

Nope! We're sharing some of the same thing around here too. The last couple of evenings Mr. and I have been snuggled under quilts to watch a flick and one of my kiddos asked for stew the other day because of the chill in the air. A week ago it was too hot for comfort...27C. I think we're all in for a strange year weatherwise.

cyndiofthevortex said...

Some here in New England woke up to snow! Not me, thankfully. Our plans for gardening all weekend fell by the wayside because of the cold and rain, but we will work extra hard with our hands in the soil tomorrow. Thread, fabric, soil, plants, they are all so good for the soul!

beaquilter said...

come down to nc... we have PERFECT weather- upper 60s - low 70s, blue skies hardly any wind, windows open, just LOVELY!! come on Michele!!
-tomorrow we're having a neighborhood pot luck in the Cul-de-sac :)

Judy1522 said...

Actually, our weather here in Oregon is just about like yours. We had about 10 days of nice warm 75-80 degree weather the first of the month and then it started raining with much cooler temperatures. Today it looks like the sun may be out for awhile but is still cloudy.

Needled Mom said...

It just doesn't seem fair to have those temps as a kickoff to summer.

Rachel said...

LOL, the weather across the country is just crazy! Even our southern California weather is not "normal"!