April 20, 2013

Team Joey

Lots and lots of envelopes and packages have arrived with all sorts of great fabric squares inside along with tons of funny jokes, sweet sentiments and silly stories. They are all for the 100 Good Wishes quilt for Joey.  Thank you, thank you to each and every one of you that took the time to send one, two or even a few more. Kris and I appreciate it so very much.
For those of you that offered to send a square and haven't had the chance yet, I ask that you do so by this coming Monday. Kris is sending me the pile that she has collected locally from Joey's friends and as soon as that box arrives I'll be starting to work on the piecing the quilt together.

I also want to update everyone on Joey's situation but it is much easier for you to just read everything on the blog that his mom set up to keep friends and family informed. Team Joey can be found here.
Picture borrowed from their blog

The 1st time I clicked on the link, I couldn't read the posts. It was too hard. I imagined that it was my own son. Such a bright smile and obviously a huge love of life this little boy has. I know that all of us are wishing and hoping that he makes it through his diagnosis and treatment and will grow up to play beside the best violinists in the world some day.

With all the tragedy that has happened this week in Boston and in Texas, the entire nation has come together in unity, support and shared grief over the losses of life and all those injured. I'm very proud that my quilty friends have also come together to help Kris and I make this 100 Good Wishes Quilt for him a reality. We are all now members of Team Joey.


Needled Mom said...

It's heartwarming to read the good side of people in the world. My prayers go out to Joey and his family.

Rina Mason said...

So glad to hear that you had such a good response to the 100 Wishes for Joey. Hope the squares my sister and I sent made it and I can't wait to see the finished quilt. I know it will bring a smile to Joey's face and wrap him in comfort and love.

Anonymous said...

We are praying daily for dear Joey and his family and you for pulling together this awesome task!! Blessings to you! Doreen

Melinda said...

I hope you got the little something extra I put in there for you. Just wanted to give you a little something you might not make yourself!

kitchu said...

you are the most awesome-est person ever. thank you for supporting him!! saw them today, and even with the not so good news about the PET scan (on the Team Joey blog) they are smiling and Joey looks fantastic for all that he is fighting!

i am so indebted to you for helping me with this quilt and I can't wait to give it to them! got the scrapbook today and i'm ready to put it together with all these amazing wishes!!