January 8, 2013

Our very own Frosty

With working yesterday and then hubs having a firehouse meeting last night, I didn't get a chance to write this post until now. It isn't anything huge or important and I certainly don't need to do this, but it was so cute that I just wanted to share.

As I headed home from the Free Motion Quilting class on Sunday afternoon, I called hubby to let him know that I was on my way. He told me that he and the kidlets were heading out for a few minutes of play time in the snow.

When I turned the corner into our driveway, this is what I saw.
Isn't he cool! They accomplished this masterpiece in just 45 minutes. He is all decked out with apples for his eyes, a carrot (appropriately) for his nose, small twigs for his mouth (that poor hubs just couldn't get to curve into a smile no matter how hard he tried), pebbles for buttons, sticks for arms, some caution tape for his scarf and a sand bucket (interesting choice of pink, I'm sure by Miss Sunshine) for his hat.

Jammer had already headed inside to get warm but little missy wanted to keep on working on him for a bit so I was able to snap a few cute photos. She is very serious about doing a good job.

After a ton of attempts of getting her picture actually next to the newest (though temporary) member of our clan, she finally agreed. Sometimes it is maddening just how much of an imp she can be, on purpose, and my attempts at getting a nice shot was just another of those times.
I'm so proud of my creative little family and very happy that they actually got to enjoy this typical rite of winter. Last year we had practically No snow so something like this was impossible then. I'm guessing that this won't be the last snowy fella (or gal) that graces our front yard this season. I'll just need to make sure that they don't steal my new scarf to use for adornment the next time.


Vesuviusmama said...

Wow, he's quite tall! And you know, my youngest (7) is an imp when it comes to photos, too. I've about given up. Poor kid - there won't be any record of his childhood if he doesn't stop hiding every time the camera comes out!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I miss having a snowman in my yard! Love the pink!!

Carol said...

I missing snow this year...and cold weather. We moved to southern Texas in June:(

Julianne said...