January 1, 2013

Mindset 2013

New Year's Resolutions have never been my thing. I'm more of a "Mindset" sort of gal. Even though I am a true List Queen, I don't believe in making a list of resolutions. Ironic, isn't it? A List Queen that doesn't make a list of resolutions? And I don't wait until the last days of the year to start thinking about the past months and the future. That impromptu exercise actually occurs about every quarter (sorry my mind will aways be fiscal date oriented). That part isn't really tied to the calendar quarters but instead tied to the change of seasons...the end of winter and heralding in spring, the end of the school year, the end of summer and start of the new school year and finally the end of the holiday season.
But during the extreme hub-bub of Christmas preparations and celebrating both of the kids' birthdays, I usually put a lot of time into thinking about what sorts of things I want to accomplish in the coming year.  That has been one of the biggest subjects of my brain's ponderings over the past number of weeks.

2012 has been full of learning and growth for me quilting wise and I'm looking forward to a trying a ton of new things in the coming months. Along with the just announced Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin 2013, there are 2-3 additional events in the works. And to be totally honest, the fact that in just over the year since this blog was born, I have written 225 posts and already have 285 followers just flabbergasts me. Not too shabby at all for my first year. Never in my wildest imagination when I started this blog did I think I'd be where I am at today. Who knows what wonderful things the future will bring?

The one huge thing that has bothered me a great deal lately is the fact that the majority of the projects on my To Make list never even got started this past year. Currently there are 33 specific projects on that list, projects that I have all or almost all the fabric for already, just sitting and waiting. And the list doesn't even include project decisions for all the other yardage and precuts that I have in my stash just waiting for the right inspiration to strike.

So with me figuring out what I want to concentrate on in 2013, I had to figure out how to go about accomplishing that. By this time next year, my goal is to have at least 40% if the items on the list done and crossed off. In addition to the existing list, I currently have 8 quilt patterns in various stages of development. I just need to find the time needed to finalize the plans, make up samples, test them and design the packaging. During the new year, I really hope to get some of them published and perhaps in the hands of a distributor to be available online and at local quilt shop near you. I'm finding inspiration for new blocks and patterns everywhere I look and those visions just have to become reality.
In order for me to make the most of my sewing time, I had to figure out what my overall Mindset will be. And to that end I have decided to resist joining the vast majority of swaps and blog hops, unless of course it is an over-the-top terrific one. I'm sure that there will be a few that will get added to my schedule but for the most part, I'll be watching from the sidelines. Same goes for fabric purchases. I honestly am not crazy about buying all the beautiful fabric and then not doing anything with it.  There are some absolutely terrific bargains to be had right now plus a few new lines coming out that are on my radar and Yes I will do a bit of shopping, especially so that I can offer up some really great giveaways next year, but otherwise I'm going to limit my stash additions as much as possible.

So by now you might be wondering how I actually will get my Mindset. Well I've always believed and known that something was P.E.R.F.E.C.T. if it took my breath away the instant I saw it. That has aways been my litmus test of "I must do" or "I must have" and that is the test that I will be using this coming year to decide whether or not to join an even to to purchase some new fabric. If I don't get breathless when I first see it or I don't end up with insomnia because I'm thinking about it too much, the vast majority of swaps, bees and new fabric releases will be left for others to join or buy.
Now don't get me wrong. I know I will join a couple of blog hops here and there and I'm certainly not going to avoid buying new fabric altogether, but I will be severely limiting myself in order to be able to get a lot more of those items on my list actually done. But overall Think Big, Dream Big will be my mantra in the hopes that a large number of my projects and new ideas come to fruition. One never knows what might actually happen if one opens the mind to all the possibilities.

So there you have it. My No New Year's Resolutions "plan". No matter if you are a resolution type of person or not, I hope 2013 is very productive, successful and over-the-top happy for each and every one of you.


StitchinByTheLake said...

Unfortunately for me neither mindset nor resolutions seem to work as I get sidetracked quite easily. I'm a bit like one of those Family Circus children going from this mud puddle to that swing set to the other brick wall to climb. I did make a list of 15 UFOs last year and finished six of them. You'd think my UFO list would now only contain 9 items but oh no - there were many others that never made it to my list. But once again I'm going to try to finish one UFO a month and use up more of what fabric and patterns I have. Even if I only partially make my goal I've made progress. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :) blessings, marlene

Linda said...

I dont make resolutions. I make plans. My plan is to not to make resolutions. I want to finish UFOs and not start new projects, but I know that wont happen. I guess I just go with the flow. Happy New Year to you and yours Happy Stitching in 2013! I will be following your quilt making!

edyB said...

By the time the holiday season starts, I feel bogged down and by the end of the year, I'm a mess. So here it is the first day of the new year and I'm still feeling a heavy weight ... glum! I, too, am stepping back from swaps, etc. in order to conquer that UFO pile and start new projects that my family has requested.
I really want to organize my studio and reduce my fabric stash, quilt books, magagines and other sewing doo dads by a lot, try to sell most of my doll collection, and maybe even sell one of my Berninas. It's time to down-size. It really is true ~ the more space you have, the more STUFF you collect.... ACK...
I'll miss the swaps but I'll certainly check in to see what's going on and maybe join in by mid year.

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Hahaha - we all have our ways and know what works for us. Sometimes the pure act of making a resolution almost resolves us to not resolve at all! I'm a goal setter and a sometimes resolation maker. This year I made resolutions...but I began working towards them long before New Years...I just wanted to make sure the world didn't end first. ;)

Rachel said...

I don't make resolutions. I choose a word which creates a mindset and (hopefully) takes me where I need to be. Last year's word was "reduce" and I did SO much. Actually pretty proud of how much reducing got done. I am still on the fence for this year's word (I very well might use reduce again, since it still applies, LOL). The way I see it (for me) is that a resolution is like a box. A word/mindset is ever changeable for all that changes in my life. Highly adaptable. Love that. I started the word thing 5 or 6 years ago...and while I don't think I ever (truly) kept a resolution, my words have always been successful!