January 23, 2013

Let's Go Visiting

Welcome all of you who are visiting here from the the weekly Let's Go Visiting Blog Hop thought up by the wonderful Marlene from Stitching By the Lake. It was fun to see my name listed for this week's neighborly meet up. Grab a cuppa Joe and enjoy checking out my humble little place in the quilt blogisphere.

For a little info about myself, I am a mom to 2 kidlets....Jammer who is 6, was born in Vietnam and we became his forever parents in May 2007 and Sunshine who is 4, was born in China and who joined her forever family in March 2010. Being a mom to these beautiful babies is the most rewarding thing in my life.

I started quilting 3 1/2 years ago when I decided that I didn't want someone else to make my childrens' 100 Good Wishes Quilts. I wanted to do it myself. You can read all about my Journey to Quilting here and if you are wondering just what is a 100 Good Wishes Quilt, you can learn about this centuries old tradition here.
Those that have been long time readers know that I like to organize things and last spring I started doing that here on my blog with the 1st annual Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin. It was a total blast and in the end there were 32 awesome mini quilts created by folks from litterly around the world. If you click on the link in my sidebar you can read all the posts about that event and find the links to all the final reveals. 
Last year I also hosted the Halloween See Saw Swap around the same time. I love, love, love Halloween fabrics and luckily found a few other quilters who do too and we had so much fun adding to the mini quilts each month. Of course a link to all the posts about that even can be found on my sidebar.
Currently we are finishing up the Quilt U Be Mine Mini Mystery Round Robin. It is a Valentine's Day themed round robin and you won't want to miss the big reveal day on February 14th.
And last, but certainly not The Last event that I will host, the Modern Mini Mystery 2013 has just gotten underway. This year we have 18 mini quilts being worked on by ladies all over the US, in Canada and the Yukon Territory and as far away as Finland. I can't wait to receive the 1st block that I will add to next month and then to see all the final results in July.
In my rather short quilting journey so far, I have learned SO much, have "met" a ton of great quilters and have found some fabulous shops, both brick and mortar and online to give my business to. I have accumulated a large "To Make" list complete with the majority of the fabrics purchased already and a decent size stash for a relative newbie. I feel that I have truly found part of my soul and have so many ideas that I want to work on in the coming months including a bunch of patterns that I am developing that I hope to eventually market to shops and online to all of you. The journey is so exciting and every day I can't wait to get into my studio to just create.
So I hope you enjoy peaking around my blog, check out the pictures of all the quilts that I have made so far and find this a fun place to follow. I so love my followers and since I'm inching ever so closer to the big 300, as soon as that happens I'll celebrate with a giveaway.
Thank you Marlene for hosting this fun little neighborly get-to-know-you and I look forward to "meeting" all the other quilters that have been a part of this weekly hop. Have a great day! For me, I'm off to work now. It is a balmy 4 degrees here and I'm so looking forward to getting out in that ultra chilly temperature to freeze my entire being off. NOT! Where ever you live, I do hope you are warmer than it is here. 


Ray and Jeanne said...

Hi Neighbor! Marlene sent me over. I've really enjoyed checking out your blog and seeing all of your quilts. Thanks! ~Jeanne

Needled Mom said...

It's always nice to read more about our neighbors. 4* is pretty dang chilly. Our neighborhood has been in the 80s this week - a little summer blast before the rains come this weekend.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Michele what a great post! I had no idea you were doing all those fun things - I'm not sure how you manage it with two little ones. :) blessings, marlene

Janet said...

I always wonder about your kid's history when you talk about them on your blog. My brother and s-i-l raised a Thai/Burmese boy from about three months old. He is 20 now and has certainly given them a lot of hard times through his teenage years. But that can happen with any child. I always enjoy visiting your blog.

Michele said...

It is now 4:30pm and it s a whopping 10 degrees. Needless to say I do not like this at all.

Michele said...

Maybe you'll want to join in one in the future Marlene. I'd love to have you.

Michele said...

I don't give specifics about their stories on the internet Janet. That is really too private to put out for the entire world to see. But I do love to share the wonderfulness of children finding forever families and being able to finally become a mom after over 10 years of waiting through adoption.

Julianne said...

Michelle, you ROCK! You are one of my favorite bloggy friends!

Rachell said...

I'm so glad I met you through another's blog last year !