January 2, 2013

And so it begins

Yesterday was officially the start of a new year but today is when it really begins. Today is the return to the normal school & work day routine, the rush to get lunches made, kidlets and hubby out the door and myself to work (on the days that I do work).

This is sort of how I felt this morning.

A kicking, moving kidlet in bed with us (yes both of them were there, as usually ends up) and a bit of sinus stuffiness had me awake at 4:45 am. Since I can't sleep if I can't breath, I figured it was time to get up. Being upright and a couple of cups of java later, I'm feeling better.

There were high hopes of getting tons of sewing done over the weekend and these past two non-weekend days but that didn't happen. Between the running around getting the last things needed for Jammer's birthday party done and the intense need to get the house bedlam under control, I never made it into my studio. I don't do well with mess (it really stresses me out) and although the plan yesterday was to just "work" on organizing and finding homes for all the new toys in the morning and then sewing the rest of the day, I ended up dealing with the their "stuff" the majority of the day and then sat in a chair after dinner until bedtime. But at least in the end, the playroom/future library and both of the kid's bedrooms are in order once again and I feel a ton better about that. We even managed to separate out a number of things that they no longer play with to be sold at the giant consignment sale in March.

The one thing I did accomplish yesterday that is my annual never-to-be-missed tradition is watching this from beginning to end.

This year's theme was "Oh the Places You'll Go!" and as usual, the show didn't disappoint one single bit.

One of my biggest bucket list items is to actually one day work on a float and then see the parade live and in person. Anyone that has an inside line to how to get to do this I will forever be indebted to you.

The end of 2012 didn't see a ton of sewing (Crafting by the Numbers updates coming soon) but I did manage to finish the month's Quilt U Be Mine block additions and handed it off to hubby to drop at the post office for me. I also got a bit of a reprieve for the "rush job" quilt finish. That family ended up having to go out of town unexpectedly for the holidays and she asked me to hold off sending it until after they are home. The final stitches on the binding will get completed this week and then as soon as I get the "we're home" email, off it will go.

Today is the 1st Wednesday of Marlene of Stitchin By the Lake's "Blog Neighbor's To Visit This Week". This is a fantastic idea and such a great way to meet new-to-you bloggers that you'll surely want to follow in the future. I'm not on this week's list but be assured that little ole me and my humble blog will be soon.

When that day comes, I'll be sure to let you know. And since I'm inching ever so close to having 300 followers, when that happens you know that I'll just have to have a little giveaway to celebrate.

Now I'm running late for work so I gotta run. I hope you all have a terrific day and I'll catch ya later!


Needled Mom said...

I think we are two peas in a pod. I finally feel I have things back to normal today after a few crazy busy weeks.

The Rose Parade is also my New Years Day start. It is amazing to see in person.

Diane-crewe said...

remember to breath and occasionally stand still! xx

Julianne said...

I am originally from southern california and I worked on a float when I was in the Junior Native DAughters of the Golden West! It was a float that carried nuns (I'm not catholic). It was alot of fun to be there amongst all the floats! Years later I went and saw the parade in person, froze my butt off sleeping on the curb and learned things that I never should of had to know about at that young age...it was definately an experience...!