November 10, 2012

Oh well, Giveaway reminder and Wicked

Sadly I didn't win my category in the Blogger's Quilt Festival but I want to thank all of you for your votes and support. I am honored that I even made it to the finals.

Don't miss out on your chance to enter my 1 Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway here.

My weekend is over the top wonderful and I'll finally be receiving my birthday present (my birthday was a couple of months ago). With my 3 sisters, tomorrow I am going to see this.
I have been waiting and waiting to see this and when I heard that it was coming back to this area, I told hubs that there was no way in all the world I was going to miss it this time. I C-A-N'-T W-A-I-T!!!! (do you think I'm super excited? Absolutely!)

Seeing it with my 3 sisters will be a blast. It has been way too long since we've had a sister weekend. The kids are excited too that not one but all 3 of them will be here. They all have grown kids so it will be so cute to see them snuggling with my 2 little ones.

I promise to share a few sister pictures after I come down from my Wicked high. Enjoy your weekend too! 


Lesley said...

Have a wonderful time! I have three sisters as well and there is nothing better! Enjoy the musical and lots of hugs!

Vicki said...

Enjoy your sister company and of course the excuse to be WICKED

Rachel said...

Bummer on the quilt :-(, However, I am so excited for you! We went and saw Wicked years ago and I LOVED it.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Enjoy your 'sister' time and the musical - sounds wonderful.

Needled Mom said...

Have a great time. It will be wonderful.

Diane-crewe said...

we saw ... and loved it last year xx enjoy xx

Chris Dodsley @made by ChrissieD said...

LOOOVE Wicked, where are you going to see it? Hope you have a fantastic time but I'm sure you will :)

Rebeckah Austin said...

I LOVE Wicked! I need to dig up my photos from the time I went. We got to meet the cast and get our programs signed!

edyB said...

What of my huge favorites! You will love it.
Sorry you didn't win ... but we all know how wonderful that quilt is and the story and love involved.

Have a WICKED blast with your sisters.

SpartanBabe said...

How was your WICKED experience?!? I am very jealous :o)

Rachell said...

Sounds like so much fun! I've wanted to see Wicked too! Sister time sounds awesome. Even though my sister and I live in the same town, we have completely different lives right now, so we don't get to hang out much lately. Have fun!