October 2, 2012

Quilt U Be Mine - A New Mini Mystery Round Robin

It's time to open the sign ups for the next mini mystery round robin. The other round robin and swap are soon coming to a close and I gotta keep this party going ya know.
So here it is! 
The Quilt U Be Mine Mini Mystery Round Robin.
This will be similar to the Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin but with a few little changes.

*This is a Valentine's Day themed event
*Each group will be 4 quilters only
*You do not need to be an expert to participate; novice quilters can join too
*There is no limit as to the number of groups
*International players welcome
*Sign ups will remain open through Midnight EST, October 15th
*Your center starter block needs to be in the mail by October 31st
*You will have until the end of each month to complete the addition to the block you are to work on and get it sent on its way to the next person on your list
*This will run for only 4 months
*The reveal/linky party day will be February 14th, of course.
*You do not need to have a blog to play
*Your center block can be 8 1/2" unfinished or 10 1/2" unfinished, your choice. You can choose any sort of center block to make you wish whether it be wonky, paper pieced, a traditional block...whatever suits your fancy.

So those are the basics. Here are a few more of the details.

1) The main colors to be used are Red, White and/or Pink, any one or combination of the three. Other colors can be included but it does need to be kept a Valentine's themed piece overall.

2) You will add 2 borders to each quilt instead of just 1 but each border must be different in style and color(s), as if 2 different people did it.

2) You will have a maximum of 8" finished allowed for each of the 2 borders you add. Each addition can be in the form of:

*A 2" finished border added to each of the 4 sides (can be a pieced border or a simple border)
*A 4" finished border added to 2 sides only (does not have to be opposite sides; can be either a pieced border or a simple border)
*An 8" finished border added to 1 side only (must be a pieced border)

3) While sometimes a simple border is what would look best for what you are adding, pieced borders are highly recommended and strongly encouraged. The idea here is to stretch your creativity but still add what you feel would look the best.

Now with any quilting event there are rules and this is no exception.

1) You must complete your addition and mail it to the next person by the End of the Month. Illnesses and emergencies are certainly understandable but if you have a ton on your plate already, you have a giant list of other projects to be completed in the coming months or you aren't good at sticking to deadlines, this isn't for you.

2) If you do happen to find yourself a little delayed during the round robin, you must email me and the person next on your list and let us know immediately along with a reasonable estimate as to when you will get caught up. Communication is of the upmost importance here!

3) You must email me a picture of your center block before you mail it out. Pictures of the other blocks you work on aren't necessary.

What is the Mystery part in all of this you wonder? I'm glad you asked.

Mystery #1 - Unlike in a typical Round Robin where the owner sends all the fabric to be used for the rows being added to her center block, the owner here will have no say in what colors or fabrics get added. Each participant will make that decision amd add from your own stash. The owner can send along a note requesting preferences (overall vision, future use, etc) to give everyone in the group a little direction, but the ultimate choice of fabrics/color/style will be up to each person in the round. If you choose to join in, you agree to accept the fact that you will have absolutely no control over the rest of the parts and how it turns out. Thems the rules!

Mystery #2 - Once the owner sends the center to the 1st person on her list, she (or he of course) will not know who has the piece at any point during the 4 months. So until the owner gets her top back in February, there is to be no emailing behind the scenes with suggestions by the owner to the other group members. The main goal is for you to be surprised when you receive that quilt back. I don't like spoilers.

Every participant must Double Pinkie Swear to abide by all the guidelines and rules in order to be accepted into this party.

Sound fun to you? Did you miss out on the last round robin and don't want to miss out again? Can you keep the secret from now until Valentine's Day? I hope so. In the end you will receive back a mini wall hanging/table topper/lap quilt that you can finish any way your little heart desires.

I'd love it if you spread the word on your blog. We want lots and lots of participants; the more the merrier...but remember that during the Quilt U Be Mine Mini Mystery Round Robin if you want to blog about your contributions to each quilt, sneak peaks are ok however you must be elusive and never,ever reveal a picture the whole thing or enough that the owner will recognize it. This is to be a secret to the owner until it is received back home in February.

If you want to play in this new Quilt U Be Mine Mini Mystery Round Robin, leave me a comment and let me know, and at the same time email me your full name and address, blog address and phone number (in case I ever need to get in touch with you). Again the deadline for signing up will be Midnight Monday, October 15th. Once you sign up you can get started making your center block. No need to wait. I will email everyone the name and addresses of your group members by the end of that week.

The new button for this round robin is on my sidebar. Make sure you grab it and post it on your blog. Lots of quilty love passed around is always a good thing!


Rachel said...

Wow, here is a shocker...I wanna play...LOL

beaquilter said...

sign me up :-)

Unknown said...

Count me in! I've had so much fun this last round!

Michele said...

Definitely not a shocker Rachel. I would have been surprised if you didn't play.

Michele said...

I probably didn't even need to ask you Bea. Right?

Michele said...

Of course Lisa. Great to have you joining us again.

Julianne said...

Sign me UPPPPPP!!!

Michele said...

Glad to have you join in Julianne. I knew you'd not want to miss this one!

Kathy said...

Well I'm sure it's no surprise that I'm in either. I pinkie swear to play by the rules ;)

Kathy said...

oops I mean Double Pinkie Swear!!!

Diane-crewe said...

as you have my details already do you want a seperate e-mail?

YES,YES, YES please add me to the list... you know I can be trusted.. and I am good at sneaky peeks xx

Vicki said...

I'm in too!!! Pinkie swear and all As above do you want a separate email with details?

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

I would love to try this! I saw your stash-bee link. Looks like fun! I'll send you an e-mail :)

Pippa Parsons said...

oh go on then *deep breath* do u need me to email as you've already got my info ?? am off to look for a block :)

edyB said...

Please add my name to the list! Love hearts...

Celine said...

Sorry I will have to pass this one. Too much on at the moment and I will go back to work soon... Hopefully I'll be back to play with you again soon.

Vicky K said...

Yes I would like to join. Please sign me up.

Renae said...

Count me in! Thanks!

SpartanBabe said...

I'm in!