September 21, 2012

Thank you, thank you!

I have to extend a huge Thank You to everyone for all the lovely comments yesterday on my dot blocks. I hope to be able to respond to each of you personally but there were so many that I'm not sure I will get enough time. Why pray tell?

Well yesterday was a whirlwind of another kind! I chaperoned at the school's annual visit to the apple orchard. First I helped the preschoolers  (4 classes, 80+ kidlets) and then after they were on the buses heading back to the campus, I headed back to the fields and joined up with the kindergarten gang (3 classes, 60+ kids). 

It was a lot of fun but also very exhausting for us grown up types. I was even too tired to cook dinner last night. We went out. Hubs had been on a fire scene since 2am so he was whooped too. At least we got to bring home a huge bowl full of these wonderful Cortland apples. They are fresh, crisp, juicy and absolutely delicious. 
The apple crops are great as always but early this year due to the bad weather in the spring. We are lucky in that New York is known for its wonderful apples and we live right in the thick of some of the best orchards around. It wouldn't be fall without some of our favorite recipes featuring this lovely fruit. Warm Apple Crisp anyone?


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Sounds like a wonderful exhaution though. Love apple picking!

Rachel said...

LOVE apple picking...wish there were some close by, that would be a treat!

Needled Mom said...

Oh yum!!!! Yes please---with a big scoop of ice cream on top.

Julianne said...

Sounds like you had a great day! I picked apples at a friends house yesterday also...lots of yummy Granny Smiths...time to fill up the freezer with dutch apple pies and make apple butter...oh yummy!!

Rachell said...

Oh yum! Sounds do good and comfort-food! It's near freezing tonight, so warm cinnamon apple crisp sounds yummy!
Hope you get some sleep and energy back so you can make your treats!