July 2, 2012

Celebrate R,W & B with American Beauty and a giveaway

Welcome to my stop on the Celebrate Red, White and Blue Blog Hop and my celebration of the colors of Old Glory! I hope you enjoy what I created to share with you today.

When this hop was 1st announced, my original thought was to totally stay away from the traditional star blocks and do something unconventional. But then while browsing through my books for ideas, I came across the Blackford's Beauty block and all previous ideas flew right out the window. This one just called out to me to be my inspiration.

I delved into my stash and scraps, cut and sewed, and this is the result.

I said to myself "I like, I like". So what did I do next? I made another one of course!

Two led to three and this one was the next one completed.

An addiction was started. Oh no. One more just screamed at me, begging to join the party.

Next thing I new I was cutting for yet a 5th Blackford's Beauty block.

More, more I wanted to make even more, but a glance at my watch showed me that I was almost out of time! July 2nd was fast approaching. So I resisted the urge to keep going but then I was left wondering what to do with all these beautiful blocks. I'm not one to just let them remain unfinished.

They were hanging out on my design wall and Hello the obvious project was staring me right in the face. With a little of sewing together, a bit more cutting and a few borders, I created this patriotic table runner. I named it American Beauty.

It is my first table runner and I am ticked Red, White and Blue how well it turned out. A couple of quilt models wanted to help but then weren't the easiest to work with.

It measures 22" x 70" and officially it is considered a UFO since it's neither quilted nor bound. But it still looks wonderful on my dining room table.

Why isn't it actually finished? Well the final stitches weren't completed until yesterday afternoon and I've also decided that this will be my first piece that I will quilt myself. I already have a plan ready. I don't have the right needles nor any good quilting thread so a shopping trip is in order. I'm anxious to finally quilt one of my quilt tops on my own. I'm just praying it goes as well as hope it will. keep your fingers crossed for me.

 Are you wondering yet about that giveaway I eluded to on Saturday? Well here it is. Looking for a new home is not 1 but 2 Jovial charm packs. Loads of folks celebrate Christmas in July and I thought, why not? Whomever is the lucky winner will have plenty of time to create something fantastic to help celebrate the holidays.

For a chance to win, just tell me where your dream vacation place is, someplace you've always wanted to go. For a 2nd chance, become a follower and tell me that you did or if you already follow my adventures, mention it. That's it. 2 chances to win. Entries will remain open for 1 week, through midnight EST on July 8th. The winner will be announced on July 9th. If you are a No Reply Blogger, make sure you leave me your email address so that I can get in touch with you.

Remember to also visit my fellow bloggers today and see what other wonderful Red, White and Blue creations they've come up with. I'm sure it will be well worth it.

Quilts From My Crayon Box (You're already here!)

After today there will be 14 more glorious days of blog hopping bliss. You won't want to miss a single stop on the tour, I promise.


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charlotte said...

Love your blocks, now table runner. You can quilt this. Be patient with yourself. It will be lovely.

Karen M said...

I love your table runner. To answer your question...so many places, so little time. I guess the top of my list is London. Thanks for the chance to win.

Lisa England said...

My dream vacation place is Australia. The travel time is intimidating though -- maybe someday! I like the Blackford's Beauty block and it looks great in your runner!

Sparky said...

great blocks and even more amazing runner...fav place to vacation, my own garden ...

Lesley said...

Wonderful blocks and table runner! And I loved the post itself...such fun to read this from my quilting chair! I hand quilt every morning for a few hours, so I know where you'll be once you get your supplies! Thanks for sharing that block and your wonderful versions...it is definitely an inspiration. And those models were the icing on the cake! So cute!

lindag1947 said...

Would love to go to either Hawaii or Australia. Linda gerig

JudyCinNC said...

I really love that block also and just shows how many looks it can take on. The table runner is stunning. Thanks for your participation in this wonderful hop. Judy C

JudyCinNC said...

Forgot to add - always wanted to take a paddle-boat cruise down the Mississippi - still on our radar. Judy C

Dorothy said...

Love your table runner! My dream vacation would be a Safari -- a camera safari - I would love to see all the wild animals. Thanks for sharing your block!

Dorothy in IL

Quilt Doodle Designs said...

Love your table runner! Thank you for the chance to win. If I could go anywhere, my dream vacation would be to go to Italy. But today, with the heat, I would love to go to the beach and play in the water!

Quilt Doodle Designs said...

I'm also a new follower. :) Happy quilting!

krislovesfabric said...

That runner looks wonderful, nice blocks! As for vaca spot...I would love to take my husband and son hiking in the Grand Canyon.

Sandy D said...

Your tanle runner is gorgeous and I would love to go to Hawaii or Australia.

Sandy D said...

Because of this JUly 1st Blog Hop I found and signed up to your Blog.I am going to sit awhile and read some of your past Blogs.

Ellen said...

I can totally understand how the first block multiplied like that! Its a great block and I love it in red, white & blue. My dream vacation at the moment is to go back to Ireland.

Pat said...

I started machine quilting my things in 2010 (Christmas presents). I was little nervous on the first one but it gets easier after that. You'll do fine. I found your blog through the blog hop. My dream is to go to Australia someday.

Michele T said...

I hope that you will finish your tablerunner,it is awesome!!!
I would love to travel all over Europe for a dream vacation.

Sunshine Girl said...

Wow I love your table runner - I have just gotten into making those and have ended up with three already! Might put block together for one too though so thanks for the inspiration. My dream vacation is, as always, Disneyland - I was lucky enough to go for my birthday this year (only got back two weeks ago) and am now back in rainy old England!

Sheila said...

I love this block , always was a favorite and it looks fantastic in these colors and even better as a runner , great job!My dream vacation would be to take an Alaskan cruise . Thanks for the chance and I am a new follower.

Sharon said...

Your table runner is beautiful and I love your adorable models...great job!
Dream vacation? Mediteranian cruise.

Ruth said...

I love the table runner! I'm sure you will be able to quilt it wonderfully. Please add me to the drawing!

Darlington Delights said...

That is a beautiful runner. Good luck quilting. I'm sure it will look phenomenal when you are finished. As for my dream vacation...I'd love to go to Europe for a month and visit as many countries as I can leisurely enjoy!

Sandra said...

Dream Vacation - I have seen pictures and it is so beautiful there - Bali.

Sandra said...

Am a new follower via GFC

Darlington Delights said...

I'm a follower now.

Barb Neiwert said...

Elaine - I love that you got carried away with making those quilts blocks! My dream vacation would be a trip to Europe to visit the two exchange students we hosted - one from Switzerland and one from Sweden. And, of course, to travel around and see all the sights and soak in all the history that that continent imparts.

Barb Neiwert said...

I'm a new follower - great to have found your blog!

Pattij said...

Love the table runner! My dream vacation would be to Ireland! Or to New York City!
Evin5 at aol dot com

Martha said...

I love your blocks...thanks for sharing with us and good luck on quilting it. My dream vacation would be anywhere where there is a huge expanse of water connected to a very large sandbar....an island with no phones would be perfect! Have a wonderful 4th of July.

Martha said...

I am already one of your followers and I love seeing what you are working on.

Margaret said...

I would love to visit Washington State. I have never been west of Colorado. I would love to be able to camp and explore all of the west coast areas.

Margaret said...

I am a new follower.

Anonymous said...

Your table runner is beautiful! Thanks for this Great Giveaway! I love the Fabrics! My dream vacation would be Galapagos Islands. I love Wildlife and the sea!

Linda said...

Your tablerunner is wonderful! Have fun with the quilting. My dream is to visit Ireland. I would love to see where my ancestors lived. Thanks for the chance to win.

Denise :) said...

Wow! The runner is gorgeous ... and will be all the more special that you're quilting it yourself!! Have fun shopping! :)

Denise :) said...

And, I'm a new follower! :)

Linda said...

I am already a happy follower!

Rhonda D. said...

Great giveaway! I would love to vacation in Hawaii. Love your table runner.
Have fun hand quilting it.

Devon said...

My dream vacation... hmmm, I think Portland Oregon!

Devon said...

I am now a follower too!

Rhonda D. said...

I am a new follower. I can always use more charms! Thanks for the chance to win.

Linda Lee said...

It is definitely an "American Beauty." The blocks are great. It is amazing how they take on different looks just be changing the fabrics and colors around. Have a wonderful holiday.

My dream vacation would be anywhere to relax with my family...where I didn't have to cook...could sit beside the lake and watch my grandkids swimming in the water.

I have just become a follower. Enjoy celebrating with your family.

Carol Swift said...

Those turned out so beautiful--nice job! They look even more amazing in the runner.

Rachel said...

Looks awesome girl! You will have NO trouble quilting it. Vacation, well, I would love to go to Ireland...but I would probably actually GO to the Midwest. I know, but lots of important family is in the midwest :-)

Lee said...

I would love to go to Finland! Love the block you did! its beautiful!

Ellis2Roam said...

Nice runner, amazing how we get addicted to making a certain block when originally we weren't going to do it. I have two dream vacation one will be met in 2013 as I am going to Hawaii and the other is golfing at St Andrews,someday.

Joyce Carter said...

I love the blocks made into the table runner. They look really nice on your table. My dream vacation would be to go to Paris.But, alas, it will never happen. That is why it is only my DREAM vacation.Thanks for 5he chance to win.

Maria Kievit said...

Totally cool idea to make a table runner from a few blocks! Good luck on your quilting it! You're one step further than I am in that one, as for now I will stick to hand quilting.....lol

Maria Kievit said...

Have been a follower for a while. Thanks for a nice blog

Karen said...

My dream "holiday" would have to be to visit my daughter in Uganda when she is living there doing work for charity.

Karen said...

I am a new follower too...

StitchinByTheLake said...

Your American Beauty table runner is simply wonderful and you're going to love using it through the years. Not only will be a pretty addition to your home but a reminder of all your blog friends. A dream vacation for me would be to return to the coast of Maine and stay for a very long time, visiting every little town I can find. :) blessings, marlene

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful blocks and what a great table runner! My favorite place to vacation is Aruba, so neat there. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I am a follower and really enjoy your blog, thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love your table runner. Those are some gorgeous, festive blocks! I am a new follower of your blog. I have always wanted to go to Egypt to see the Pyramids.

Cecilia said...

I love your table runner. But then I love star blocks and I haven't seen this one before. I will definitely have to try it.

Cecilia said...

I'm a new follower and am looking forward t o seeing all of the things you create. Thanks for the giveaway.

♥Duff said...

wow! this project looks fantastic on your table (I really love the way the blocks with contrasting backgrounds are next to one another, ahh!)--I hope that you finish the hand quilting soon!! My dream vacation is to go to Amelia Island--I keep dreaming of it :O)

JudyC said...

Wonderful RWB Quilt Squares......something I truly do want to try soon.

As for my favorite vacation spot, it can be anywhere with the sunshine reflecting off the waves while I am sitting in my chair with my toes in the water. And there must be a fabulous quilt shop not too far away, and maybe a bead shop too. Actually it does have a name.....Rockaway Beach Oregon, and I will be there in October!!

Lyn said...

Yes I am a follower in my Google Reader. Thanks

Lyn said...

I love your blocks and your runner is really nice! I would love to go to Hawaii. Thanks for asking.

Loves to Quilt said...

I love how your runner turned out! I love red, white and blue! My dream vacation is to travel the US in a motorhome and stop at every quilt shop!!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

You chose a wonderful block and no wonder it inspired! And just love the runner that became of all that inspiration. I use flimsies on the table all the time, so use it as it for now. I have always dreamed of going to Hawaii - for a month or two!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I am a follower.

Carrie P. said...

and what a beauty your table runner is!! Well done.
My dream vacation would be Hawaii. One day I do want to go.

Ariane said...

I love your table runner. It looks wonderful!!! My dream vacation would be a tour of Europe with my husband. Maybe someday!!!

Jacqueline said...

I have always wanted to go to England.

Love your tablerunner and thanks for a chance at your drawing.


KatieQ said...

I'm a follwer.

Susie said...

Hi Elaine, love the blocks they look fantastic as the table runner. My dream vacation would be to travel all over the US, stopping where and when we want with no rush to get home! Thanks for sharing. Susie x

KatieQ said...

It's amazing how different each of the blocks when you change the position of the light and dark fabrics. Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win the charm packs.
I have always wanted to visit New Zealand and Australia.

LeAnne said...

My dream vacation would be to Australia. I want to see a koala bear. I also want to go to Alaska.

Needled Mom said...

Your runner is lovely and will be a thrill to display each year.

I have always wanted to go visit the Swiss Alps. I'd love to go around Christmastime too.

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Pretty table runner...can't wait to see it all quilted!

I'd love to visit Australia!

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

I'm your newest follower :o)

B Greene said...

Love your blocks - super as a table runner, too!!

My dream vacation spot is Ettal, Germany - a beautiful spot in the German Alps nears the fairytale castle of Neuschwanstein. We have been there a few times, but we would love to stay for a whole week - true relaxation!!

B Greene said...

I am a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win - two charms packs are SO much better than one :-)

Gmama Jane said...

Can I just say upfront, my favorites are your fantastic *Models*!! They are so stinkin' cute!!! I loved your blocks but they really Popped when you put them in a table runner! I may have to use that block pattern since I'm partial to star patterns!! This is a unique pattern I have not seen. I love the block with the blue polka dots best of all!
God Bless America
Gmama Jane

Gmama Jane said...

I have been a follower for several months now! Hope you will hop over to my blog on Saturday!!
God Bless America
Gmama Jane

sew.darn.quilt said...

I'm so glad I decided to toodle around blogland this morning :o) I had no idea about this blog hop but now that I'm perusing I feel like I'm in the zone.
Your blocks are smashing and your blog is so inviting.
Thank you for the chance to poke around.

sew.darn.quilt said...

In fact you have so much to see, I became a new follower! :o)
Happy 4th

Tiffany said...

I'd love to visit Rome. Or Egypt. It's a toss up where I'd love to go first.

Tiffany said...

I'm a follower :D

Unknown said...

What lovely blocks & a most excellent table runner! Happy Quilting!

Judy B said...

Hummmm, I think Hong Kong. The table runner is wonderful, but the two holding it up are the cutest!

Judy B said...

OOPS, I am also a follower of your blog!

Rebeckah Austin said...

I follow you!

Rebeckah Austin said...

I would love to go to Ireland! The notion is so romantic to me. I would love to go with my hubby abd take my parents too.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Happy Hop Day! I find it so interesting how different fabrics placed in different spots can change the look of a block. Your table-runner is wonderful and I think your helpers are darling! Thank you so much for playing . Your did an amazing job. And I hand quilt so if you have any questions just let me know. I would be happy to help. I know you will love the quilting process as much as the piecing.

Phyllis said...

Great table runner! I would love to travel to Hawaii...it's been a dream for a long time and maybe in the next year or two we will get to go.

I am now a follower of your blog.

Kathy MacKie said...

I am a new follower, thanks.

Kathy MacKie said...

My dream vacation would be a trip to Italy!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Excellent Table Runner! Might just have to make one of those. I've always wanted to go to Vermont to watch the leaves change, but Alas we always end up in Kinder LA so DH can play cards.

Nancy in IN said...

I am a new follower who loves table runners for my kids--married with kids. I like to use blocks like you did. Should have two entries.

Quilter Kathy said...

A gorgeous project...with a block that I also love which is still in a UFO state.
I smiled at your assistants...how cute!
Dream vacation would be anywhere, and I mean anywhere in the world by the ocean!

Marcia W. said...

My fantasy vacation would be several weeks in Hawaii all expense paid. Of course, I would drag my dear mother with me and some Hawaiian quilty stops would be on the itinerary.

Aurea said...

Beautiful,anyone would like to have that on their table. great job.
aurea Gillis

Kathleen said...

I would love to take a 2 week cruise to Hawaii...I love your blocks and the models....thanks for a great giveaway....

Kathleen said...

I am a follower....

Anonymous said...

I really am not a travel fan, but would like to do a nice long "Quilt Shop Hop" on a bus, so I don't have to drive. Love your table runner, and would love to win the fabric prize!


Julianne said...

I wanna win!!!

Martha said...

My dream vacation would be to tour the Scandinavian countries. Sure would be cooler than here today! Thanks for the chance of a giveaway. Your tablerunner looks really nice.

rush said...

i have always wanted to go to the british isles...scotland and ireland especially. rush88888 at gmal dot com

~Kris~ said...

I would love to go on a quilt cruise or quilt tour. Anyplace would be great. but how about Tahiti?

VickiT said...

WOW! That runner is awesome. I'm sure you'll be thriled when you are all done quilting it. It's beautiful.

I'm easy with my dream vacation. Most would want to go overseas or some tropical island somewhere, but for me, I want to go back and see Mount Rushmore and travel all around that area with my husband. He's never been there and I was there as a teen with my parents so I know I wouldn't remember half of the things we saw then. What teenage girl is concerned about history? It's all about makeup and clothes even back in the 70's right? LOL

edyB said...

The table runner is a beauty! Are you planning to machine or hand quilt? Either way, I know you'll do a terrific job.

We've done a lot of travelling for business/vacations over the years, so I'm happy just vacationing at home or roaming around our beautiful NM. I would love to visit Australia and New Zealand but not during the HOT time of year.

Thanks for the opportunity to win those pretty charms!

edyB said...

I'm a follower of your Blog! 8-)

Loris said...

Love how you got carried away with your chosen design...the blocks are gorgeous! I'm a follower now and for a vacation choice? well, I think it might be in a fancy RV traveling across the US with my DH and our dogs and cats. I would love to see more of our country, up close and personal...especially New England.

Mom C said...

Love the blocks you made, they turned into a great tablerunner. My deepest travel secret is to see the Northern Lights. So I want to go somewhere very north in the dead of winter so I can experience the wash and shimmer.

Wendy said...

Awesome job!!! Funny how those blocks just grow and grow and then you have a pile, isn't it :) Your models are adorable :) :) No need to enter me in the giveaway, I already joyfully follow you but thank you!!

Leesa Gentry said...

I have always wanted to go to Scotland, don't really understand it but whenever I hear about Scotland I have such a longing to be there. Thank you for all your hard work on the Red, White, and Blue blog hop.

JoyceLM said...

I've always wanted to visit New Zealand and Australia. Maybe one day. Love the table runner. Thanks for the giveaway.

JoyceLM said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

Mrs.Pickles said...

wow just so lovely!!!

Janet said...

My dream vacation would be a couple of months in Ireland. I am drawn to the Emerald Isles.

Janet said...

I am a faithful follower.

Barbara said...

My dream vacation would be a trip to beautiful Alaska!

Diann said...

My dream vacation would be Hawaii.

Ruth Ann said...

I think my dream vacation would also be Hawaii.
BTW, love your little quilt models.

Ruth Ann said...

I love Asian babies and kids! My DD is from S. Korea. She arrived home 24 years ago last Friday!

Joanna said...

Lovely table runner. I love star blocks, too. My dream vacation would be someplace cool and beautiful, not hot and muggy. Maybe a mountain retreat, but not in bug weather. Am I fussy or what?

Sallie said...

Love your table runner and you have very cute quilt models! My dream vacation is an Alaskan cruise. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Sallie said...

I'm a new follower.

Cherry's Prairie Primitives said...

Loved all your block and how good they all looked together!!

SpartanBabe said...

My dream vacation is *hopefully* going to happen in December...10 days in Kauai, just me and my husband. A condo, hiking, spa day(s), deep sea fishing and scuba. That table runner is awesome - gonna have to stick that idea in my sewing notebook for some future date. American Beauty by Michele!

SpartanBabe said...

I am now a follower! Thank you Jane for bringing us to Michele! Thank you Michele for the giveaway!!!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

a vacation place.....I would love to visit Hawaii. I don't travel much, but this is one I would love to see..thanks for this chance.

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

This is very similar to the block I chose. I love this variation. I'm definitely trying this. Thanks!

Celine said...

I would love to go to Russia one day and also to see the Taj Mahal. Thank you for the chance to win!

Celine said...

I am now a follower, I didn't realised I wasn't yet because you are on my blog roll! Celine

Diana said...

Thanks for the great blocks, love the red, white and blue. Have always wanted to head "down under" Australia and New Zealand, my dream vacation. ' Thanks for the giveaway, have a Great 4ht.

Deborah said...

My dream vacation is a cruise on the Mediterranean. Love the blocks you made. My favorite so far. Thanks for the give away chance!

Becky said...

My dream vacation is to visit France especially the French Countryside, then Paris:) Thanks for a wonderful blog hop post!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Daisy said...

I have always wanted to go to Germany because that is where my Great Grandparents all came from. Thanks for the chance to win. Daisy

Karen said...

My dream vacation would be to English, Scotland, and Ireland for about three weeks. One week each. Once can dream! Happy Fourth of July.

Rosa said...

Love your blocks and the runner catch my eyes.I would love to go to France or Canada.Happy Fourth of July!!

Kate Brown said...

I would love to stay in a nice cabin in the woods next to a running river in Montana :) Quiet, peaceful and plenty of fishing! It calls to me. Love your runner and good luck on quilting it. Just take your time and enjoy the process.

Red said...

Following, thanks for the giveaway.

hueisei said...

I love this block :) well, I wanted to visit Japan someday. I wanted to visit the famous fabric town :)

hueisei said...

I'm a follower!

Red said...

Your table runner is fantastic. (my you have a long table :))

I would love to go to the Cook Islands in the south Pacific. It looks so beautiful in the photos I've seen.

CaroleM said...

I would actually like to do like an Arctic cruise - like Greenland and Iceland. It would just be neat to say I've been to those places.

Anita said...

Love your tablerunner!

Anita said...

I just joined your site, looking forward to reading your blog :)

Lisa Cox said...

I've always wanted to visit Australia, or Scotland, or Spain.

Lisa Cox said...

I am already a follower of yours.

Sherry said...

I would love to travel to Europe some day. I love the table runner you made from your red white and blue blocks.

Sherry said...

I am a new follower of your blog.

Kate said...

Love your table runner, the blocks turned out beautifully.

June D said...

Your RWB blocks are amazing! I've bookmarked your post so it's easy for me to return and try this out myself someday. Thank you so much for sharing!

My dream vacation: Someplace where I can walk to town and shops and stores. There would be a sewing class to attend with all sorts of nice people. There would be a cooking class to attend - one where you split the food costs and get to sample the food and get recipes to make at home. Oh and in my dream I'm slim and can take a dip in the pool. My DH and DS are sitting by the pool with their computers relaxing. Maybe there is a gardening class too. All within walking distance and with great people. And my DH and DS come with me to some of the classes too!

June D said...

I clicked to follow your blog!

bets said...

My dream vacation would be Ireland, where my mom was born. I am also a golfer as is my husband, so it would be fun! I love your blocks!

bets said...

I already follow your wonderful blog!

Deonn said...

Michele, what a terrific runner - I especially love your "helpers" holding it up! Love the block.

MoeWest said...

My great grandparents were from Ireland, so I would love to go there sometime. I think your table runner looks great.

MoeWest said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for the great giveaway.

suesinger said...

I want to go to Iceland. I currently am not subscribed.

Karen said...

I'm a new follower. I wish I had come across your blog sooner! I love the table runner you made out of your blocks. This looks like a pattern I would like to try! My dream trip would be to Easter Island off the cost of Chile. I think it would be very interesting and exotic. :) Thanks for the post and the giveaway!

BizyStitches said...

I really don't have a dream vacation place. I'm not one much for travel. Loved all the blocks and the colors look great in your lay out.

Gwen said...

My dream vacation would be a trip to Alaska! I have always dreamed of going there! :-)

Gwen said...

I am a follower-- thank you for the extra chance to win! :-)

Sandra J. Strickler said...

My dream vacation spot is Ireland. My favorite spot is the UP of Michigan.

Sandra J. Strickler said...

Became a follower!

Cherilyn said...

Love it!! I enjoy quilting little quilts too. My fav vacation spot is Gatlinburg.

kc said...

What a pretty table runner (bed runner?)! Good luck with your quilting - stars are always a challenge for me - I've seen lots of interesting patterns, but then when it's my time to do it, I can never remember & just do stitch in the ditch. BORING, but does the job.

For years, our goal was to vacation in Hawaii, but ever since reading about Ireland, my mind's been changed. Then, there's Italy & Greece...and Scotland. And our friends in Australia and England that want us to come visit...and there's Iceland, & New Zealand too...Oh, gosh, I just don't know where to go first!!

Julianne said...

Hi Michelle....gee...I do follow your blog..and see saw with you...duh! LOL! My dream trip would be a cruise to Alaska...a nice long cruise!! Would love to see all the bears splashing around in the water....

BTW, Your table runner is beautimous and your models did a fantastic job! Also, "Blackfords Beauty" is one of my favorite blocks...purdy purdy purdy!!

Pam said...

Hiya Michelle, I'm new to blogging, so here goes... My dream vacation would be a toss-up, either Alaska or Australia. I've always wanted to watch whales and totally love polar bears. Koalas and kangaroos are two of my favorite animals too. (I have lots of favorite animals.) I've just started collecting fabric for quilting, so a win would add to my stash. I'm really gonna dig in one day and start sewing...I PROMISE!!! It'll be great to follow you and see your adventures and projects. Blessed be, hugs, Pam.

Pam said...

Also, I just started following you, can't wait to learn lots. Blessed be, hugs, Pam.

Karen O said...

Dream vacation would be to the U.K. Staying in little towns, B&B places, walking and biking. Then time in London. I LOVE your tablerunner. That block is very pretty.

Slovenka said...

My dream vacation is going to Alaska and see aurora borealis.

Kathy said...

Great job...Love the quilt models...dream vacation would be Ireland. Would love to visit some Castles. Second choice would be Germany...both have pubs and what's not to love about that but at least in Ireland I might be able to understand what is being said.

Kathy said...

You know I'm a faithful follower :)

Donna Joy said...

Fantastic job on the American beauty table runner. Bali has been a dream vacation of mine. Thanks

Donna Joy said...

Following you now.

Anonymous said...

My dream vacation would be a whole month of a quilt retreat.

ritainalaska said...

great runner! and thanx for asking ... i'd love to visit japan, have a cuppa tea in a tea house and browse a few quilt shops there. thanx for the chance to win the little charms!

Goldogmom said...

my dream vacation trip would be Ireland/Scotland and England.. my frailly is from there. Maybe some day!

Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric.


Jodi - usairdoll said...

What a smart and talented cookie you are. A beautiful block and your tablerunner is awesome! You're so inspiring! My dream vacation would involve a RV and I'd drive all over the US. There are so many beautiful places I've seen pictures of and heard about.

Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win some gorgeous fabric.


Jodi - usairdoll said...

I'm a new follower. Looking forward to going back and see what I've been missing.

Thanks again for a chance to win.


pinsandneedles said...

Oh what a lovely table runner! I am writing to you from beautiful Norway...my dream vacation! Thanks!

Shelia said...

Wonderful Blocks! Thanks for all of the inspiration. Happy blog hopping.

Zuzan said...

For those who wish to travel to Hawaii or Australia. Do both. About six hours to Hawaii & about 9 to Australia time flies if quilting. I would love to visit more of the wonderful National Parks in USA & other places. Happy 4th July.

Good luck with your quilting of the wonderful table runner and I have just joined as a follower - love colour.

Oh & you may even meet Jinny Beyer on the plane as a friend did as she was piecing. My friend was surprised/shocked as they talked for hours it seemed about their mutual art. Jinny introduced herself on leaving, "As you may have heard of me......."

beaquilter said...

lovely blocks and such a nice table runner now! I'm a follower and I made a christmas quilt last year or the year before out of the jovial line.

Judy1522 said...

My dream vacation would be to spend time traveling around Europe. Although I have many other places I would like to go also. Your table runner is beautiful I love the star block.

Chris said...

COngratulations on your first tablerunner! Those models sure are cute.
Our favorite place to vacation is the island of Maui. Stunning beaches, incredible golf courses, thrilling zip lines, luxurious hotels and wonderful places to dine even after 40+ years of marraige.

Judy1522 said...

I am a new follower.

Snoodles said...

Blackford's Beauty is my all time fav block...you hit this out of the ballpark!

Snoodles said...

I'm your newest follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

jirons42 said...

Your tablerunner looks great on your table. My dream vacation would be to Ireland

Lindi said...

Just love the ideas! L

Julie S said...

I love quilting...for you can take a simple block and make it into a fabulously patriotic table runner! And someday I would love to go to the Mediterranean!

Doris said...

Such a pretty runner... my dream vacation (and retirement) place is Maine. Visited there 6 or 7 years ago, Acadia National Park area and I have been dying to return there ever since!

Tricia said...

Hello.... I just wanted to let you know that you have a new follower and look forward to reading more.

Tricia said...

Hummmm that is a hard question for me to answer. I would like to go to as many national parks as I could where money, 35 mm Film and processing for all the wonderful pictures I would take not be an issue and I could camp under the stars. Some day I might be able to just do a few of them in each region. Thank you for the chance to win and found your tablerunner very delightful.

SewCalGal said...


My dream vacation would be to travel to Peru and see the Amazon.


Andee said...

I went to Norway once but it is still sort of my dream vacation! I wouldn't mind Italy either!

barbara woods said...

love your blocks

prairie said...

I'm a new follower and very happy to find you. My dream vacation spot is Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood, in Oregon. I just want to go up there and lounge around and swim in the pool (in the winter snow!) and eat prime rib and strawberries and ski and lounge and swim....am I repeating myself! Yes, that's my favorite vacation spot. Thanks for asking and letting us visit.

Teresa in Music City said...

Your table runner is just gorgeous - Blackford's Beauty is one of my favorite blocks! I am planning one in solids sometime soon if I can ever clear up my sewing room enough to start something new :*) Thanks for the chance to win the Jovial charms - they would be a joy to work with!

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