June 7, 2012

100th post and giveaway!

Hmmmm. What to write about? My 100th post should be a really good one, right? It should be hilarious and thought provoking and inspirational all at the same time.

I have a bunch of posts in Draft mode, maybe I should just finish up one of those and use it. Perhaps something else totally awesome will come to mind. Wouldn't it be terrific if the light bulb in my brain went off while I was in the shower (my typical place to dream up ideas) and the perfect little spark would form?

Oh the heck with it. My brain is in a fog yet again this morning. The never ending sinus pressure and drainage is driving me a bit insane. By this afternoon I will be breathing easier but the mornings are murder, murder I tell ya.

And I know you only want to know about the giveaway anyway. So here it is....(3) one yard cuts of Hip Hop Hearts by Ro Gregg.
While doing that bit of studio clean up over the weekend, I spotted them and wondered why I ever bought them. Oh yeah...I thought I might make something for my BFF....she loves prints like these. The problem? She doesn't like brights! She likes more subdued shades.

So her loss is your gain and yes in case you want to know, I have something else more her taste in the planning stages. This giveaway is open to my followers. I appreciate those of you that read my ramblings but I want this giveaway to celebrate those of you that stick around a while. What do you have to do to win?

1) Tell me your sewing machine's name and what inspired it. What do you mean your machine doesn't have a name? Shame on you. She/he is a cherished member of your family and deserves a name. So if your beloved doesn't already have a name, now is the time to bestow one on her/him.

2) For a 2nd chance, get one bloggy friend (or more) to become a follower and make sure they tell me that you sent them. Each person that you bring to the party gives you one additional chance to have these lovely fabrics as your own.

That's it. Easy peasy lemon squeezie. International participants welcome. You have until midnight Monday June 11th and I will pick a winner Tuesday morning.

Now I need to get my back side in gear, drop Sunshine off at daycare and get to work. I hope you have a positively lovely quilty day!


beaquilter said...

am I the first to comment?? congrats on the 100th post! and my machine... hmm I guess I can call it my BFF, I sure spend more time with it than anyone else even in my family! It's a janome memory craft 4900 my husband bought for me on craigslist last year, I love it!

Unknown said...

Hmm, I don't have a name! I know, shame on me! I've never really thought about it. Mine is fairly new, just had it a few months...it's a Singer...how about Melody. That's a term used in singing. :)

Lisa Cox said...

LOL, the thought of naming my sewing machine never occurred to me. Which is strange since I name my cars. Ok, we'll give it one now. It's a Brother Project Runway, which makes me think of the Fab 5. So I think I'll name it Fabio!
Congratulations on 100 posts. And thanks for the generous giveaway!

Gill said...

Congratulations on 100 posts!
Boringly my machine is called 'Lily' because that's the model!! (Husqvarna)

Catskill Quilter said...

Oh, this machine doesn't have a name! I used to have a commercial machine, named Bertha, and she was a really speedy...guess it is time to come up with a proper name for my little helper!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! My workhorse old New Home has no name - I just refer to her (yes a she) as 'the workhorse', but with great affection. My two Brothers are simply little Brother and big Brother - when they give me problems, I don't have nice names - typical men.

Doris said...

CONGRATS! Only my featherweight has a name, Fanny--just seemed to fit her age and personality. Janome and Bernina have no names...yet.

edyB said...

100th Woo Hoo! Congrats on that!
My newest machine is "Big Mama" (a Bernina 830) and when she misbehaves ~ well, I won't mention those names! heeheehee ... Thanks for a chance to win on your giveaway. I love brights and hearts!

Terri said...

Congrats, Michele!
My machine is a 1950s Singer that I call Mildred, the name seems to fit the 1950s. She is well behaved, and I know her very well... I grew up wearing clothes she helped my Mom to make. I learned to sew on her. Tradition!!!! I love the fabrics you are offering. Thanks for a chance to win them.

quiltmania said...

My Gammill has a name, it's "Baby." I've always called her that right from the start. Of course she is a she, because only a female would work day and night without complaining. lol. Thanks for the giveaway!

DaisyChain said...

Well done on the 100 posts. My machine doesn't have a name - haven't had her very long, but if she is going to have one, I'll call her Maude (why not?).
Fabrics are lovely.

hueisei said...

Congrats on 100 posts! My featherweight is from my mum and I don't have a name for her. Really shame on me :)
Maybe I should give hers one. TQ

Kira said...

No name for my machine. If I was going to name it, the name would be Snippy. Because that is exactly how it is. If any machine ever had attitude, my does.

Janet said...

My machine doesn't have a name but it does have glitz. I've dressed it up with stickers so it can feel beautiful. Maybe I'll have to call her Bernice - she is a Bernina.

Katherine said...

Oh, yes, I have names for some of my machines. I have 4 vintage Singers...Belle is the name of my 15-91 (she's a beauty!); then there's Bette (a glamourous looking 99k) and Beyonce (she's a sexy little Featherweight) and more recently, I bought Fancy, a gorgeous Singer 201 with elaborate scrollwork (hence the name Fancy...).

Szappanbubi said...

uhh, honestly I used to name verything but the sewing machine is not mine, it's my mom's :) but I could give her a secret name like... Sweet-smart :D
maybe she deserves another pretty one but she won't complain, I'm sure=)

porcukorborso at gmail dot com

Vicki said...

Hi Michele congrats on your hundredth post You have shamed me into naming my main machine she is a Viking SE so I'll name her Sigrid
I hope you are feeling better soon Allergies??