April 7, 2012

Would you help?

While driving home last Saturday night from what used to be my nieces house, I had a long time to think. It is a 3 hour drive. I kept thinking about just how close we came to loosing all 4 of them in that fire. And I'm still thinking about it. I probably will for a long time.
After my nephew Danny was killed that Christmas almost 8 years ago, the idea formed to start a scholarship fund in his name. The 1st event the following spring was a dance. It raised $8,000. 

Danny was a baseball player and a mega huge Yankees fan.  I know these aren't great quality pictures but this is all I have on hand at the moment.
He was good. Really good. His life's goal was to play for the Yankees one day.

He was also a terrific football player. This isn't his normal jersey number, but I don't have the picture of him in his #8 one.
He would tell you that he only played football to keep him busy until baseball season started again. He was talented in this sport too. He was the quarterback for both the JV and varsity teams.

That first year after he was gone, one of his close friends came up with the idea of holding an annual softball tournament in his honor to raise money for the scholarship fund. Every year it has been the senior project for one student from his high school. Thousands of dollars have been raised and numerous graduates have benefited from the scholarship fund.

Plans are underway for the 8th and final tournament this summer. The "4 Girls" (my 3 sisters and me) are the organizers. His mom wants this to be the last year and we are ready to close this chapter of our lives in style. This will be the biggest and best tournament of them all. It is very fitting to hold the final one this year since his number was 8 and he was killed almost 8 years ago..

Raffles of baskets and gift certificates are a huge part of this event. This year I want to make a bed sized quilt to raffle off. But there is no way in the world that I can possible get it done in time for the late July event. I have to get the 3 teacher quilts done by mid June and after those there simply isn't enough time. But the idea came to me during those long driving hours....perhaps my quilting friends could help me with this Quilters are wonderful people and they have huge hearts, willing to help out when asked.

So I'm humbly asking if you would be so kind as to make a block and send it to me. They will get joined together into a quilt to be raffled to help make this year's final tournament an even bigger success. I know my sister, Danny's mom, would be over the top touched and so would I. I am asking for 12 1/2" unfinished Eight Pointed Star blocks in the color scheme of Red, White and Black. They are the school's colors (the Honesdale Hornets).

There are many options for stars with 8 points: Ohio Star, Sawtooth Star, Star Flower, Lemoyne Star, Double Friendship Star, Royal Star, Sister Star, Twisted Star and probably a bunch I haven't found yet. Any one would be great and very welcome.

If you are willing to help out a fellow quilter with this very special project, I would be forever grateful. Leave me a comment and let me know and I will email you my address (I'm not comfortable having it boldly obvious on the internet). Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.


Rachel said...

Running out the door right this second (well, in 30 seconds, LOL) but absolutely, 100% yes from me. What is the final number of stars "we" need? (please don't make me do the math...LOL)

Julianne said...

I would love to help out..I will make a block today for you and get it mailed out monday...Please email me your address.


Diane-crewe said...

YOU send me the address... I will send you a star xx

Michele said...

I am so touched already that fellow quilters would help. I wasn't sure if I was asking way too much of others. Thank you. My plan is to make whatever size I have enough blocks for. If I do a twin, adding sashing and a border, I would need 20 blocks. Queen size would need 25 blocks and king would need 36 blocks. Whatever you can send will be so grately appreciated.

Michele said...

Thank you Julianne. The generous heart of quilters never disappoints. I am truly grateful.

Michele said...

So much appreciated Diane!

Orange Crumpled Napkin said...

I would love to help. When is your deadline?

Michele said...

Thank you so very much Ann. It warms my heart with so much quilters love seeing how others want to help make this a reality. The softball tournament is July 28th. I probably need to get the top completed and to my long arm friend my the middle of June as she is typically on a 2-3 week turn around. Then it would be a rush to get the binding on in time.

quiltmania said...

I'm inspired. Please send my your address and I'll get one off to you shortly.

Ella said...

Michele, I'd be honored to make one for you! Email me your address and I'll try to get it out this month.

Doris said...

I'd be happy to make a block, send me your addy and let me know what your deadline is!

Miki Willa said...

I will be happy to make you a block or two. Please send me your address, and I will work to get them to you by the end of the month.

Janet said...

Absolutely I will make you a block. It may not get done until next week, but that should still get to you in time for June/July block piecing.

Kristen said...

Somehow I missed this post until you wrote about it today. If you're taking any 8-pointed star in those colors and size I can contribute one. I already have your address!

Deanna said...

You have touched my heart, I'll send you one. Send me your address.

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

I'm game to help out, too! Send me your address.. What a touching post. And wonderful tribute to your nephew.

Dale said...

I would love to send you a star, please send me your address
What a wonderful idea!!!!

sunny said...

If it's not too late, I'd love to send a star, too! Please send mailing info, and I'll get it out this week.

Michele said...

Thank you so much Sunny. No it isn't too late. I've emailed you my info. I appreciate this more than words can ever convey.

Michele said...

Dale I really appreciate it but you are a "no reply" blogger so I have no way to get in touch with you and there isn't any info on your Blogger profile. Please email me from your regular email address so that I can reply to you.

Kathy said...

Hey I'd love to make a block for you. Send me your address and it will be in the mail by the end of the week

meg said...

Are you overwhelmed yet? I would like to send you a star~

Celine said...

Michele, I have made a Ribbon Star for you, could you please send me your address and I will mail it to you asap. Well done for such a great tribute for your nephew. Celine

Terrie said...

I would love to make a star for you. Please email me your address and I will get it done this week :)



Marian-Lady Face said...

I would be happy to help if you still need more stars, send me your address and I'll get it in the mail this week.

All the best to your family as you work on such a great event! What a wonderful way to remember your nephew!

marian dot griffin 87 at gmail dot com

deborah said...

What a wonderful tribute to your nephew. If you are still in need of stars, I'd love to send one to you.

Maddy said...

Hi there! I am from Australia and would love to contribute 1 or 2 stars (I am flying to the States in May). Do you need more? m4yb@yahoo.com