April 22, 2012

Love from my mailbox

In the past couple of days, some absolutely beautiful Eight Pointed Star blocks arrived for the Tribute to Danny quilt. I am honestly speechless at the quilters love arriving in my mailbox each day from people that I don't even "know"; people who are willing to help make this project a reality. This is truly a wonderful community to be a part of.

Lesley sent this one all the way from Nova Scotia.
This block arrived from Deanna (no blog) in British Columbia.
Kelli in California sent this one with the baseball fabric center. Very fitting don't you think.
Another beautiful block from British Columbia, this one from Linda (I didn't know this one was coming so I don't have her blog address).
Fellow New Yorker Vicki (no blog) sent this one.
And this amazing one came from Kristen in Virginia.
These are going on my design wall so that I can gaze at them as I work. I can't wait to start piecing them together. This quilt is going to be beyond fantastic, not only because of the gorgeous blocks everyone is contributing but more so because of the love and generosity of all of you that are becoming a part of it. I will never be able to thank you enough.

A number of quilters have emailed me asking if I still need more blocks. So far I have commitments from folks for enough blocks to make this queen size. Perfect for the raffle. But I thought perhaps if more of you want to help, I could put together a 2nd smaller quilt, perhaps lap size, that could be a 2nd place prize. The possibility of another prize for the raffle would definitely entice more people to buy the tickets. So I am going to say Yes I would love to have more blocks if you are willing to send me one. Email me and I'll give you my address.

Again, mere words cannot express my heart felt gratitude. I will forever be grateful for the journey that brought me to quilting and all the wonderful people that it has brought into my life.


Lesley said...

It is so wonderful to hear of such a positive response. And so nice to be able to see the variety of blocks that have arrived. The quilt(s) will be stunning!

quiltmania said...

They all look wonderful!

edyB said...

These are all so beautiful and happy that you'll be able to complete a queen-size quilt. WOW! Wouldn't we all like to win that pretty prize.

Diane-crewe said...

so glad it has been a positive response xx looking forwards to seeing how you put them together xx

Kristen said...

Oh good, I'm glad it arrived okay. My block was a lot of fun to make with those curved seams; I hadn't worked with that pattern before and found it a neat challenge! Since you'll make a second-place quilt I will see about sending another one. With the 12" finished size you're requesting I'm having fun choosing eight-pointed stars from the Quiltmaker 100 Blocks issues that sew up quickly.

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

I love how different they all are! Looking forward to seeing how you arrange them all. What a special project. It's going to be gorgeous.